Kassadin Pro Builds, Guides, Stats, Runes, Masteries

best kassadin na

best kassadin na - win

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Trying to change my name to Best Kassadin NA.

So I just spent over 30 minutes attempting to change my name to ANY variation of 'Best Kassadin NA'. I have found that no matter how I try to make it, it is taken. Even just 'BestKassNA 40493' or any other random number combination. Is this just a glitch, or is every single variation of that name taken?
submitted by Troll195 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]


BEST KASSADIN NA | DIAMOND 1 | MLG PRO submitted by Itazurazuki to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Best Kassadin in NA. AMA

Best Kassadin in NA. AMA submitted by The_Sandman014 to KassadinMains [link] [comments]

New Qiyana Player Looking for some tips on Specific Things!

Hi all! I'm new to Reddit--I actually sucked it up and made an account just to join this thread after years of lurking/reading threads but never actually interacting lmao
I'm an NA player who's new to Qiyana (only been playing her 3-4 weeks or so), but I looooove her. I love her kit, her playstyle, everything, and I've never grinded a champ so hard/worked so hard to get mechanically better with a champion. I'm talking hours on a smurf account, endless practice tool games, etc. I'm just super into her as a champ and I've fallen flat on my face playing with her SO much, but I really think she's worth it so I'm not giving up any time soon.
For reference I'm a mid main who can also play ADC and supp, and jungle and top if I have to. I've mostly played control mages (Lux, Lissandra, Syndra, Ahri, Anivia, etc.) and I have the most mastery with Lux at about 400k mastery points--so, a very different playstyle than Qiyana for sure. I've never played ranked but my friends who are gold are pretty adamant I'm somewhere in that vicinity--so lowish ELO is where I'm playing. I have a 60% winrate with Qiyana right now but that's tenuous at best. I go on really bad losing streaks, and I can say with a good amount of honesty that I'm not a person who tilts out super bad and starts playing like trash if I'm losing. I'm definitely not perfect all the time, but my general approach is to improve during each and every game, but I'm not sure I can do that by myself without asking for help since Qiyana's so complex for so many reasons.
I'm here because I think I want to main Qiyana, or at the very least master her way more and improve my winrate with her, and I'm struggling with a couple things. I know Qiyana requires both micro/mechanical prowess as well as hella strong macroplay, and as I get better with her mechanics and generally improve my macroplay I'm struggling with a couple things:
1) Playing from behind. Sometimes I get stuck in a losing matchup (for example, I just lost hard to a Talon who I firstblooded but then things went downhill from there--a combination of his team ganking/making plays and him getting ahead with a Goredrinker, and from there I couldn't do anything to him). How can I best impact the game when I'm not doing super well? Do you recommend just farming/split-pushing? Another approach? I just don't wanna be useless to my team and be the reason they tilt out.
2) Tanky/healing comps. Sometimes their team has like two tanks and a bruiser with hella lifesteal/health (e.g. Rammus, Nautilus, and Aatrox) and I have no idea what to do against comps like that. Is Qiyana just a bad pick in situations like that, or is there a way I can build to effectively help my team win the game? Sometimes I pick first and get stuck playing against a comp that's less than ideal for Qiyana. In situations like this I generally try to focus on the squishy backline (usually the ADC, enchanter support, another assassin, etc.), but other than that is there anything I can do to improve gameplay against a tanky/bruisy comp?
3) General itemization. I recently read that the Chinese build for Qiyana almost always includes a Serpent's Fang, which I've started building in matchups where the enemy has a shield (e.g. Kassadin). Is this mostly a situational item? I almost always go Duskblade but I know people build Eclipse as well. When do you go for which? Itemizing with her is probably the thing I'm weakest at right now with her and I feel like I'm blindly building (like I'll build an executioner's calling for anti-heal, but I've heard that's a terrible item for her until late game). I'm just pretty confused about how to build her and when and any and all help in this arena is very appreciated.
4) Trading in lane. I find that too often I go in during laning phase against my opponent, and all of the sudden everything's on cooldown and they're still alive and I haven't done enough damage and I'm stuck behind their minions with no escape. This is DEFINITELY me mistrading/using my combos/abilities poorly. I usually wait for them to use an important ability if I can, then I E(with blue)>auto auto>Q>W(wall)>auto auto>Q. I don't always nail it perfectly, but this is the general idea. Are there smarter ways to gap close/ bettedifferent combos?
Thank you for reading and sorry for the fact that this post is a general "how do I play Qiyana" post lol. I'll keep reading threads and practicing, and thanks to anyone who replies!!
submitted by amaranthinehope to QiyanaMains [link] [comments]

2021 LCK Preseason Power Rankings

Hey there. LPL ratings were a bit of a tire fire. However, it's LCK time!
I will still be ranking each player based on their role in the region and ranking the team's ceiling and future as before. I have a good amount of confidence in the LCK ratings. I've definitely got a lot more knowledge of the LCK teams and their players.
But I still know even with that knowledge, I can always learn more. So yet again, don't be afraid to comment honestly if you highly disagree or you feel like I'm missing something on a playeteam. As I've said before, I can handle the criticism (even if people think I'm insane in some of my rankings). Constructive criticism would be nice this time :P Here goes!

10 - Fredit Brion (10th in Ceiling, 10th in Floor)

Top: Hoya - 9th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: UmTi/Chieftain - 6th ranked Jungle
Mid: Lava - 10th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Hena - 10th ranked ADC
Support: Delight - 9th ranked Support

This is looking like a tough split for Fredit Brion. Brion is an organization finally coming up from the Challenger scene, due to the LCK franchising. However, the talent they got in the offseason leaves the excitement factor very low. The hopes are that UmTi can continue to play well like last year for JAG, as he really became the glue of a team on his Lee Sin and Olaf. Lava had a very hard time last year, especially on his Galio and control mages, in a mid lane hell that features the best the world has to offer. That is not getting any easier. Hoya brings carry potential from his strong carry pool, especially his Quinn. He just needs to find some rhythm in the LCK. Delight and Hena could be a bright spot. The bot lane is very fresh, but has promise. Hena needs some work in lane and Delight needs more room to roam. This league is a difficult one for a roster of youngsters and proven challenger players to immediately come have success in. They did steal a win in KeSPA Cup off of Hanwha, before they were forced to forfeit due to positive COVID tests. Maybe their growth has some promise and they can ride that momentum to positive LCK performances. Time will tell.

9 - DRX (8th in Ceiling, 9th in Floor)

Top: Kingen/Destroy - 10th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Pyosik - 4th ranked Jungle
Mid: SOLKA - 8th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: BAO - 9th ranked ADC
Support: Becca - 10th ranked Support

Boy has a year changed the feelings around DRX. The former Worlds qualifiers lost every player but Pyosik in the offseason. Instead of spending high, they went for youth around their roster. That doesn't change Pyosik still being one of the top junglers in the league. Over 4 KDA in Summer 2020 and over 70% KP is insane and he should still be one of the more aggressive and productive junglers in the league. However, his lanes will have a lot of growing to do. Kingen comes in from Bilibili Gaming and had an extremely difficult split last year. His laning needs work and the LCK top laners are not going to give him an easy time in a region change. The rest of the team is very fresh. SOLKA brings an interesting mid lane pool of champions (including strong Cassiopeia play) he showed off in DRX's Academy roster. Still, his control mages (if they are meta) will need work against a very difficult mid lane pool. The thing that could change things is the bot lane. BAO is 9th ranked, but he's got potential to be way higher. He laned quite well in KeSPA Cup and if Becca can bring a more confident trigger finger in making plays, they could prove to be a dangerous bot lane. Still, the solo laners could hold this team back from competing. However, if they hold their own and Pyosik gets going like last year with a strong bot lane, they could be a surprise.

8 - Liiv Sandbox Gaming (9th Ceiling, 8th Floor)

Top: Summit - 8th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: With Croco - 10th ranked Jungle
With OnFleek - 6th ranked Jungle
Mid Lane: Fate - 7th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Route/Leo - 8th ranked ADC
Support: Effort - 3rd ranked Support

Ohhhhhh Liiv Sandbox. For those who don't know, Sandbox has been my favorite LCK team since the end of BBQ Olivers and the rise of Battlecomics. Battlecomics qualified for LCK and became Sandbox. BOY did this team have promise. Summit and OnFleek were monsters in their roles and the team well rounded into a fourth place finish in 2019 Summer. Everything went wrong since then. Ghost left for DamWon, who ended up winning Worlds. GorillA did not pan out. Summit went from stud to dud in 2020 due to his greed in lane being easily punishable. Not to mention OnFleek will miss half of Spring Split due to a suspension. This team still has a lot of talent. When Summit is given free reign on his bruisers, he can dominate. Fate and Route are extremely capable players, Fate on control mages and Route on a long list of ADC champs, his highlights being his Senna and Ezreal. Still, both are young and in need of confidence on the pro stage. The two big talking points are the addition of Effort and Croco. Effort is the hope. Route can be a great ADC, yet didn't mesh with GorillA. Effort is a proven commodity from T1 last year and one of the best performing supports on the year, especially on Nautilus and Blitzcrank. His chemistry with Route and this team is vital. Then there's Croco. He's 10th for a reason. KeSPA Cup had one strong performance from him and a lot of question marks. He's got a lot to prove from his Brion Blade days of his Lee Sin and Jarvan 4 aggression last year, if he wants to bring a Sandbox team from their lows of last year into new heights. More likely, this team will still be a bottom of the table team, looking for cohesion yet again.

7 - NS RedForce (7th Ceiling, 6th Floor)

Top: Rich - 6th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Peanut/Juhan - 5th ranked Jungle
Mid: Bay - 9th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Deokdam/Wayne - 7th ranked ADC
Support: Kellin - 7th ranked Support

This is where it gets interesting. Putting RedForce at seven is more the safe bet. But this team can definitely be a surprise, as they showed at KeSPA Cup. The big move was bringing in Peanut from LGD. One of the most storied junglers in the world, Peanut will look for a better return to LCK after making Worlds on a very good team last year. His storyline Graves was his dominant play last year, though he could face a challenge in the top half of LCK junglers, if he sticks to his normal play style. Everywhere else, this team could be dangerous and on the rise. Rich had wild year on Team Dynamics in Summer, placing second behind T1's Canna for Match MVP points. However, Rich became a "feast or famine" story in Top Lane, as his KDA was drastically swinging, depending on team and lane success. Still, when he carries, he hard carries. Bay is a bigger question mark. A backup on Griffin last year, Bay showed a bit of his control mage prowess in KeSPA Cup. However, once the league knows his play style more, he could get hard countered a lot by the higher tier mid laners. He'll need to bring out some surprise, maybe like his Pantheon he has been seen on in SoloQ. The real intrigue here is the bot lane. Deokdam looked near dominant in Challengers 2020 Spring before having a bit of a struggle in Summer 2020 of LCK. Still, his KeSPA Cup showing is an example of why there's plenty of excitement around him, especially his Aphelios. Then there's Kellin. He split time on GenG with Life, yet found himself benched as the Summer went on. His chemistry with Deokdam has already shown and his tank support play that keeps his partner ADC safe and secure could lead to great things for Deokdam and the hopes of RedForce. This could very well be a dangerous team. But the younger stars need to show there is more of the KeSPA Cup showing to come once the season begins.

6 - Afreeca Freecs (5th in Ceiling, 7th in Floor)

Top: Kiin/Trap - 3rd ranked Top lane
Jungler: Dread - 8th ranked Jungle
Mid: Fly/Keine - 6th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Bang - 6th ranked ADC
Support: Lehends - 4th ranked Support

The team that could be a real contender. Afreeca made some moves to bring in real talent to this roster. Losing Mystic will be tough for this team, yet Bang is a legend of Korean League. The question is if he can find that form again, or if his time in NA left his better days behind. Bang still was statistically strong in NA. A lot of his team's struggles came to chemistry and Bang not being in a position to hard carry games. If he finds that mechanical prowess with Lehends, he could be very dangerous yet again. Speaking of Lehends, he had his own struggles last year. Alongside Viper, he struggled to find the same success on a mess of a team that Hanwha put out last year. Still, his promise from 2019 and flashes of glory in 2020 make him a very strong support to pair next to Bang. How far this team can go with this bot lane will also depend on the play everywhere else. The biggest question mark of the three is Dread. The starting spot at jungle swapped between Dread and Spirit last year, with neither having consistent success in the role. Afreeca decided on Dread. He will need to show a deeper champion pool outside Lee Sin and Elise for this team to succeed. Fly is a good rock in the mid lane, with a ton of flexibility to play a large pool of champions (13 different champions played in 2020 LCK Summer Split). The best player on the roster right now is probably Kiin, who had another great year for Afreeca. Another player with a huge champ pool (16 different champions played in 2020 LCK Summer Split) and a willingness to take a lot of pressure from opponents for his team to succeed. Still, with the large flexibility of this team and the carry potential, this could be a solid year for Afreeca. If they want to make playoffs, they will need a lot more from their bot lane, a LOT of improvement from Dread and continued flexibility and solid play from their solo laners.

5 - KT Rolster (6th in Ceiling, 4th in Floor)

Top: Doran - 4th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Blank/Bonnie/GIDEON - 7th ranked Jungle
Mid: UCal/Dove - 5th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: HyBriD - 5th ranked ADC
Support: Zzus/Rebel - 8th ranked Support

Putting KT ahead of Afreeca with lesser overall talent will be considered a hot take. Still, KT could very well play themselves back into the playoffs. The key piece to this team is Doran, coming in off a career year on DRX. His mix between great tank play with Ornn and Shen, along with his team fight potential on Camille and Kennen gave DRX a great compliment to Chovy's domination last year. There might be a question if that was more the god level of Chovy and Deft carrying him, but he very well could have the growth to continue to improve. If he can continue to improve and grow better past Khan and even Kiin and start challenging the best top laners, this team is dangerous. UCal is still a dependable mid laner. His TF was strong last year, but his Orianna, Zoe and Azir (Especially in Summer) left a lot to be desired. He can shine again if he gets more aggressive mid laners to play in the meta, such as Sylas and Lucian. Even if he continues to struggle, Dove is a very capable mid laner in his own right, playing quite well on Sandbox last year. The jungle and bot lane will be a test. Blank comes in off a successful year in the LJL, where he almost qualified for worlds on Sengoku Gaming. Even so, developing youngsters with promise like Bonnie or GIDEON could end up the starters down the line or even sooner if Blank doesn't pan out. Another aggro player like UCal, he will need to keep up the pressure and adjust back to LCK play quickly, like his old days on SKT. In bot lane, HyBriD looked confident and composed in Spring, having three pentakills in 2020 Spring Split alone. However, Summer became a struggle all around for APK Prince. HyBriD tried his best to still be a legit threat, yet it wasn't enough to keep APK competitive. He joins a talented roster in KT with a young support duo in Zzus and Rebel. Zzus will likely be the starter, after a strong showing in Challenger on Awesome Spear. His balanced pool of Thresh, Tahm Kench and Braum, alongside his Morgana that shined in playoffs, will give a lot of agency for HyBriD to shine with this team. At worst, they are a solid team contending for playoffs. At best, they could make some real noise to the four top contenders of LCK.

4 - Hanwha Life (3rd in Ceiling, 5th in Floor)

Top: Morgan/Dudu - 7th ranked Top Lane
Jungler: ArthuCaD/yoHan - 9th ranked Jungle
Mid: Chovy - 2nd ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Deft - 2nd ranked ADC
Support: Vsta - 6th ranked Support

This could very well be the year of Hanwha Life. The trio of LCK Dynasties are looking pretty secure. However, Hanwha has the top level talent level to compete. This team has two superstar level players in Chovy and Deft. Chovy and Deft carried DRX on their backs to the second best record in LCK, just behind DamWon. They both can 1v9 easily and lead this team to victory. Seeing them together has extremely high hopes for an organization yet to find any real success in the LCK. The real questions is outside the superstar players. Vsta returns to the squad after being benched for the Summer Split in favor of Lehends. Vsta does have a play style that works with Deft, as his mainline of tank supports could be great for giving the freedom for the two carries to shine. However, his play will need to adapt, expand and improve to keep up with the top teams. Dudu and Morgan will be fighting to start for the team. Morgan comes from LPL's Team WE. He showcased strong prowess on Ornn and Renekton, but will need to show more to take some weight off of Chovy's shoulders solo lane wise. If Morgan doesn't start, it will be the young promising project in Dudu. Dudu got the lead role for Hanwha last year when CuVee hit the bench due to poor performances. Dudu had some struggles finding his groove and has a similar champion pool to Morgan that he relies on. The biggest worry comes in the jungle. Hanwha has three junglers on their roster, all with weaknesses that need work. YoHan is still very young. While he has a deep champ pool, he will likely need development before seeing the LCK stage. CaD and Arthur split time last year, with neither putting up strong enough performances to lock up the spot for good. CaD is more the setup player, with Trundle, Olaf and Volibear in his wheelhouse. However, he never found good team fights to set up wins last year. Arthur is the favorite to start, with good performances on Rek'Sai, Lee Sin and Sylas last year. He'll likely get the first look, with a lot of pressure and high hopes from the fan base. This team will be depending on strong jungler play from whoever gets the look. If they get it, they could be a title contender. If not, they could find Chovy and Deft 2v5'ing yet again, which could keep Hanwha from their playoffs goals yet again.

3 - GenG (4th in Ceiling, 2nd in Floor)

Top: Rascal - 2nd ranked Top Lane
Jungler: Clid/Flawless - 2nd ranked Jungle
Mid: BDD/Karis - 4th ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Ruler - 1st ranked ADC
Support: Life - 5th ranked Support

Time to get to the real Worlds Favorites. GenG, T1 and DamWon are neck and neck for first place. Looking at all three, GenG is yet against the safest bet of the three to STAY a top three team. They have top players at every single position, which includes arguably the best ADC in the league's history in Ruler. Statistically, he was insane last year. His hyper carry ADC's led GenG to plenty of easy victories, mainly on his pristine Ashe and Ezreal. GenG is also looking good in the support position in Life, who was brought in during Spring Split and shined next to Ruler. His strong play on tanks such as Braum, Tahm Kench and Leona played perfect to the strategy of carry Ruler. He also had the flexibility to play Gragas and Sett in the playoffs. His warding and laning is something to improve on. Include the fact this team lost some leads in their Worlds run with bad positioning from Life at times. Still, Life is a great pair with Ruler that should shine again. Then there's Rascal. On one end, his Ornn, Sett and Renekton really helped set up his team and his laning proved key in letting the team win the slow gameplan they ran often. However, he showed his carry potential on champions like Akali, Irelia, Kennen and Camille throughout the year. Whatever role GenG needed, Rascal showed he can play. This team also possesses Clid, whose fighting for the best jungler in the league yet again. Clid definitely feels more comfortable on setup champions like Jarvan 4, Volibear and Trundle. However, his Lee Sin is very good and his Nidalee was strong as well. While a change in meta to more tank junglers could push him to top jungler in the league, he is very dynamic still. The big place this team can get better is from BDD. While GenG had a lot of success last year, BDD did not get the green light as he usually does. The gameplan on this team drastically changed from his 2019 season. He looked best on Zoe, Azir and Twisted Fate. However, he felt more like the utility on the team with Life than a true carry mid. It's not really on him, with the gameplan they have. With GenG, it really comes down to how flexible they can be. They are an amazing late game, objective fighting team. BDD on a roaming utility, Clid on a team fight setup, Life on a tank and Ruler on a hyper carry, with Rascal filling in whatever else is needed. The strategy won them a ton of games. However, they've been exposed a bit at Worlds in their execution against top talent teams, along with their problems if they fall behind to teams that can properly snowball. This is a roster looking destined for Worlds yet again. However, they could be even more if they look to become a bit more adaptable to other strategies going forward.

2 - T1 (2nd in Ceiling, 1st in Floor)

Top: Canna/Zeus - 1st ranked Top Lane
Jungle: Cuzz/Ellim - 3rd ranked Jungle
Mid: FakeClozer - 3rd ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Teddy/Gumayusi- 3rd ranked ADC
Support: Keria - 1st ranked Support
Even though they missed out on Worlds last year, T1 is for sure back in the thick of the title race in the LCK. Things started out incredible for T1, dominating Spring Split en route to a convincing Finals win against GenG. However, Summer Split brought a bit of a curveball in the mid lane. T1 decided to split time between Faker and upcoming mid lane superstar prospect Clozer. While it's great to see Clozer get time, the change in players definitely threw the team for a loop, who had struggled with the meta as it came to fruition. It ended with them shockingly losing to Afreeca in the Summer Playoffs and falling 0-3 to GenG in the final qualifier to make Worlds. Still, this team is a legit threat at every position. Canna comes off a split where he proved himself to be the best top laner on the year. His Ornn gave the team good objective fighting balance, yet his carry top laners is where he really shined. Picks like Camille, Wukong, Jayce and Vladimir led to some insane outplays and ridiculous leads for T1, even when the opposing team attacked Canna head on. This team still has the legend Faker and what maybe the future legend of League in Clozer. Both performed incredibly well against the top mid laners of the league and a more aggressive mid lane meta could open the door for T1's dominance again. Cuzz is still a great jungler in his own right, though a meta that enables setup and tankiness from the jungle will probably fit Cuzz better, as Volibear, Sett and Olaf saw the most play from a meta heavy in the carry jungler route more in line with Rek'Sai, Nidalee and Graves. Then comes the bot lane. Teddy on his best day is right up there with Ruler and Deft. His prowess on Kalista is almost a forced ban on it's own, along with the fact he plays Miss Fortune, Ezreal and Ashe incredibly well. Teddy does an incredible job in positioning and team fighting. His pairing with Effort last year was strong, but it could be every stronger with the big addition of Keria. Keria helped bring Deft back into the hyper carry level with outstanding play on enabling engagers like Thresh, Yuumi and Bard. Keria is a very aggressive support and will give Teddy even more space to work his magic. This team is going to play very proactive around objectives and pressure their opponents to make mistakes. With a meta more focused on carries outside the jungle, it could be time for T1 to take back the top spot. The real question is not about T1 being legit. They are a title favorite. It's more about if they are THE title favorite or if there's room in between them and DWG KIA still to be made up.

1 - DWG KIA (1st in Ceiling, 3rd in Floor)

Top: Khan/Chasy - 5th ranked Top Lane
Jungle: Canyon - 1st ranked Jungle
Mid: Showmaker - 1st ranked Mid Lane
ADC: Ghost - 4th ranked ADC
Support: BeryL - 2nd ranked Support
What is it with Worlds Champions signing Khan? Formerly Damwon Gaming, the defending Worlds Champions made two big decisions this offseason. A new contract with KIA brings a new look and name to the team. Along with that is the reality that Nuguri no longer is with this team, moving over to FunPlus Phoenix. As FunPlus did after their title in 2019, DWG KIA signed Khan to their roster, to pair up with youngster Chasy. The questions around this team all center around Khan's fit. One of the biggest parts of last year's team was Nuguri's ability to generate so much pressure and attention top lane. Khan had some good performances on FunPlus, but he's nowhere near the level that Nuguri pulled off last year. Khan can play a mixed bag of carries and tanks, yet he's just a downgraded role of what Nuguri pulled off. That being said, this team already has grown from a weak point of their roster last year. It may be hard to remember, but Damwon in Spring was not even top three in their region. They finished 9-9 and lost in the second round of the playoffs. The change came from the meta change and the growth of Ghost. Ghost, alongside BeryL, became a lethal bot lane along with laners that dominated their positions all over. Ghost showed glimpses of this from Sandbox way back when, but his growth took new strides this past season. His Ezreal, Ashe and Senna completely took over Summer Split, while his Jhin and Ashe dominated the Worlds stage. A meta change shouldn't hamper him either. He showed two games of Ziggs ADC in Summer Split as well. Add along BeryL, who became the real key to their dominance at Worlds, especially on his Leona and Pantheon. His aggressive play on his support pool tags along well with Ghost and the hyper aggro DWG KIA team. It's a big reason Khan could be a great fit. Then comes the two superstars in Canyon and Showmaker. Canyon popped off in the jungle in Summer Split and Worlds, playing aggressive in attacking opposing junglers and amazing pathing to be in his lanes for ganks at just the right time. The Worlds MVP showed great control around objects and setup. It really shined on Graves at Worlds, where he got massive leads in jungle and made them into major advantages for this team. He's shown he can do it on plenty of champions, like Nidalee, Lee Sin and even Trundle. Oh, and let's not forget the Summer Split MVP Showmaker. Summer saw him pop off on 12 different champions with at least one victory. This really showed in his most popular picks of Zoe, Kassadin and Twisted Fate. TF was the big one, as Showmaker posted a 23.4 KDA on the eight regular season games he played TF in Summer Split. The only real questions on this team are Khan and meta. However, with every bit of their dominance and growth seen in 2020 after the Spring Split of mediocrity, it's a very safe bet that the 2021 Spring Split Finals will include this new iteration of DWG KIA and this team will yet against be a favorite, if not THE favorite, at Worlds 2021.
submitted by DrKovu to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

A case study of the win rate depression phenomenon across every role: using statistics to win more just by taking the right runes

A case study of the win rate depression phenomenon across every role: using statistics to win more just by taking the right runes

Written patch 10.16


There are three generalized categories of decisions that a player can optimize: (1) macro, which includes rotations, vision control, and wave management, (2) micro, which includes reaction speed, matchup knowledge, and mechanics, and (3) meta, which includes more theory-related skills such as runes, skill order, and itemization. Meta decisions are generally the easiest to optimize and improve because they don't require the nuances learned from playing hundreds of games. In this post, we justify and discuss the optimization of both keystone and minor runes using recent data from patch 10.16, sourced from Lolalytics.
League of Legends' lead gameplay designer Riot Scruffy recently tweeted that initially, "[the balance team] thought Sona Lux were only OP as a combo." He then implies that Sona-Lux have just recently become individually overpowered when built optimally. However, someone who has been paying attention to win rate statistics would know that Guardian Lux support has been overpowered for the past year, even after she was nerfed back in patch 9.14. In fact, Guardian was Lux's best-performing keystone even at the peak of Aftershock Lux. With just a rudimentary understanding of numbers, you too can use win rate statistics to uncover "hidden OP" champions and get ahead of the curve to climb before Riot eventually nerfs them a year later.


Suppose the champion Xasuo has a 50% win rate, and all Xasuo players take Conqueror. Now, consider the champion Yarner that initially appears balanced with a 50% win rate. Upon closer inspection, 50% of Yarner players take Predator and lose all their games, and the other 50% of players take Phase Rush and win all their games. Though both Xasuo and Yarner have the same overall win rate, Yarner is clearly the stronger champion. This is because Yarner suffers from win rate depression—many players are not taking the optimal runes, lowering their win rate. We measure this effect by computing a number called relative difference.
How is optimal defined in terms of runes?
A rune page is defined to be optimal relative to others if it wins the highest proportion of games assuming everything else is held constant. For Yarner, Phase Rush is called optimal since it wins the most, and Predator is suboptimal because it does not. Predator is also called detrimental because its win rate is less than Yarner's overall win rate, meaning players who take Predator are expected to lose more games than the average Yarner. An optimal rune page can also be thought of as the rune page a player would take to maximize their win rate if they had to use it forever.
What is win rate depression?
Win rate depression (WRD) is when a champion's win rate is lowered because of players making suboptimal meta decisions. For example, since there is a difference in power between the two keystones, Yarner's win rate is depressed by players taking the wrong keystone. WRD can also apply to other facets of meta like itemization and skill order, where building the wrong item or maxing the wrong ability will reduce a player's expected chance of winning.
What is relative difference?
Relative difference (RelDiff) is a measure of how effective optimization is for a given champion when compared to the average player. It represents the expected proportion of previously lost games that a player would now win after optimization. For example, the expected win rate of a random Yarner is 50%, but the expected win rate of a random Yarner given that they took Phase Rush is 100%, so RelDiff = (100-50)/(100-50) = 100%. If Yarner had a 48% win rate overall but the optimal keystone had a 54% win rate, RelDiff would be (54-48)/(100-48) = 11.54%. If RelDiff is less than 2%, we say that a champion is solved, since if any optimization exists, it would only marginally benefit their expected win rate. Note that RelDiff, holding the win rate difference constant, exhibits hyperbolic growth with respect to overall win rate (i.e., 99% to 100% win rate is a bigger increase than 50% to 51%), much like how cooldown reduction scales per additional point.


This section uses rune shorthand notation (like S2321 D203 X112) rather than typing out the full names of runes. See the first question under Q&A if you aren't familiar with this notation.
We will use data from Lolalytics, Platinum+, patch 10.16. As a general rule of thumb, sample sizes as low as a few thousand are high enough to analyze. When observing a potential effect, use previous patches or different rank subsets to check if the pattern appears consistently; if not, it might just be variance. If the difference in win rates or a sample size is concerningly small, use this z-test calculator to check for statistical significance (select 0.01 and one-tailed).
The optimal rune page for a champion typically won't significantly vary unless there is a large systemic change in a patch. This may occur if parts of the champion's kit or the runes themselves are fundamentally changed in a rework or mini-rework. In that case, use data from and after the most relevant patch as a basis.

Top: Darius - (Image)

A solo queue menace, Darius hasn't been changed directly for many patches. Despite the nerf to Nimbus Cloak in patch 10.16, his win rate barely flinched, settling at 51.45%. However, Darius is much deadlier than he appears if you take the correct secondary runes.
Nearly all Darius players take Conqueror and Triumph, but pick rates are split between Legend: Alacrity and Legend: Tenacity. Intuitively, these runes tend to be dependent upon matchup due to their nature, and we can test this by checking the rune win rate distributions of specific matchups. In this case, we find that they are. Next, about a fourth of Darius players take Coup de Grace when virtually all melee top laners should prefer Last Stand, Darius not being an exception.
Despite the consensus of the primary tree, not everyone takes the same secondary tree. Over half take S320 secondary, citing the importance of movement speed. This is actually detrimental (albeit barely)—it turns out that R0x3 are the best secondary runes. Conditioning has the highest win rate of the three in its row, but it appears to be situational following matchup dissection.
The complete optimized rune page is P42(12)3 R0x3 X213. Doing so increases Darius's expected win rate from 51.45% to at least 53.7%, a RelDiff of 4.63%.

Top: Fiora - (Image)

After the buff on Lunge (Q), Fiora's win rate increased from an acceptable 50.42% to a solid 52.29% win rate. Already the bane of many top laners, Fiora suffers from WRD in all three types of runes.
In a vacuum, Conqueror and Grasp of the Undying have comparable win rates, but a look at the minor runes in Precision quickly refutes this notion. Immediately, Presence of Mind's 55.1% win rate reveals that Fiora is much stronger than her win rate implies. Then, about half of players take Legend: Alacrity when Legend: Tenacity and Legend: Bloodline appear to be better choices. We again check if these runes are situational by looking at matchup distributions, but this time, Legend: Alacrity's win rate is always lower, suggesting the superiority of the other two runes. Lastly, there's an about even split between Coup de Grace and Last Stand, the latter of which is predictably stronger.
Looking at secondary runes, a full one-third of Fiora players take R130, which barely reaches a 51% win rate, meaning the runes are detrimental. However, Cosmic Insight has a massive 54% win rate. Despite its relatively low pick rate, it turns out that Cosmic Insight has been the highest win rate rune in Inspiration in every previous patch, so we conclude that I201 are the optimal secondary runes on Fiora.
The Sorcery tree is also of note, but pick rates are scattered across the tree, making it difficult to assess the best combination of runes. Noting the high win rate of Manaflow Band, we can hypothesize the optimality of S210 and return to analyze this tree in the future.
Finally, the majority of Fiora players take the Attack Speed shard when Adaptive Force is optimal. The complete optimized rune page is P43(23)3 I201 X113. Doing so increases Fiora's expected win rate from 52.29% to at least 55.1%, a RelDiff of 5.89%.

Jungle: Hecarim - (Image)

Recently buffed and then nerfed, Hecarim is a champion that's actually been overpowered for quite some time, assuming you took the correct keystone. In patch 10.16, his 51.35% win rate rocketed to a massive 53.91%. Already absurdly strong, Hecarim can be made even stronger after optimizing runes.
Riot remarks in patch notes 10.17 on "Hecarim players picking up on his synergy with Phase Rush;" the pick rate has since quadrupled since patch 10.15. Also notice that the buffs to Phase Rush in patches 10.4 and 10.7 correspond to increased interest in Phase Rush Hecarim. Looking at the numbers, there's no doubt that Phase Rush vastly outperforms Conqueror, still the most popular keystone by far.
Sorcery secondary is the most popular tree, but this is not unexpected since most Conqueror users still recognize the value of movement speed on Hecarim. I201 has a modest pick rate and a very high win rate, so we prefer that instead.
Recall the optimality of I201 on Fiora; this is a common theme of the optimal rune pages of many top laners like Riven, junglers like Kha'Zix, and even some mid laners like Zed. We note the high win rate of P2(12)0, but due to the low pick rates and the fact that this effect is not consistently observed in previous patches, we cannot rule out variance and shelve this tree for reinspection at a later patch.
There's nothing unexpected in the shards besides the viability of adaptive force instead of attack speed, so the complete optimized rune page is S3322 I201 X(12)12. Doing so increases Hecarim's expected win rate from 53.91% to at least 56.2%, a RelDiff of 4.97%.

Jungle: Skarner - (Image)

Next up is Skarner, another recently buffed champion known for his low pick rate. However, despite the fact that he is played mostly by mains of the champion, data on Skarner's runes tell a very disheartening tale: even mains don't know their champion's optimal runes. Needlessly buffed in patch 10.16, Skarner went from an even 50.05% win rate to a respectable 51.76%.
The three most popular keystones in order of pick rate are Predator, Phase Rush, and Conqueror. Though Skarner has nearly a 52% win rate, Predator's win rate is an abysmal 50.4%. Predator is clearly a detrimental keystone, compared to Conqueror and Phase Rush, which have 52.0% and 52.8% win rates, respectively. Like Hecarim, S3322 is a great rune page for Skarner, but it turns out that Transcendence is better than Celerity, with a 53.7% win rate.
Looking at the numbers, the secondary tree is obvious. Though Sorcery primary is optimal, Sorcery secondary is detrimental, but this is in part due to the fact that it is taken with Predator, which is a terrible keystone for Skarner. I201 (again) is the clear winner.
Lastly, the cooldown reduction shard performs much better than adaptive force or attack speed. The complete optimized rune page is S3312 I201 X31x. Doing so increases Skarner's expected win rate from 51.76% to at least 54.0%, a RelDiff of 4.64%.

Middle: Cassiopeia - (Image)

Cassiopeia was buff-adjusted out of the blue in patch 10.12 and then nerfed the subsequent patch. In patch 10.16, she held a slightly above average 50.70% win rate.
Cassiopeia mains advise Phase Rush in "dodgeball" matchups against control mages like Orianna, Syndra, and Zoe. This advice generally holds true; S31(12)3 is good against such champions, and notice that Nullifying Orb is superior to Manaflow Band. In other matchups, Cassiopeia usually takes Conqueror. Most players take P4321, which works well enough except for the last rune—Last Stand performs better than Coup de Grace.
Secondary runes lack debate; D201 is optimal.
We see that the cooldown reduction shard is optimal, showing how simply switching a rune shard can make a champion go from above average to strong. The complete optimized rune page is P4323/S31(12)3 D201 X313. Doing so increases Cassiopeia's expected win rate from 50.89% to at least 52.5% for the Conqueror page and 53.7% for the Phase Rush page, a RelDiff of 3.48% and 4.09%, respectively.

Middle: Karthus - (Image)

The champion that deals the most magic damage on average in all three of his roles, the Karthus nerfs in patch 10.16 dropped his win rate to a still-decent 51.52%. Despite the nerf, Karthus remains in overpowered territory with a switch of just two runes.
Dark Harvest is the keystone of choice. Cheap Shot and Taste of Blood seem equally viable and Eyeball Collection is uncontested, so the question boils down to Ravenous Hunter or Ultimate Hunter. We see that Ultimate Hunter is a detrimental rune; Ravenous Hunter wins with a 52.3% win rate.
Presence of Mind is the obvious move, but there is a decision to be made between Coup de Grace and Last Stand. Last Stand is absurdly good at a 53.9% win rate, likely because of how it works with Karthus's passive, giving a massive 11% damage bump for 7 seconds. However, Last Stand is in the minority, with 50% more players taking Coup de Grace. This also applies to Karthus's other roles like jungle, where only 13.3% of Karthus players are making the correct choice of Last Stand.
Nothing interesting appears in shards, so the complete optimized rune page is D3(12)31 P303 X113. Doing so increases Karthus's expected win rate from 51.52% to at least 53.9%, a RelDiff of 4.91%.

Bottom: Kog'Maw - (Image)

A champion that has not been seen consistently in professional play for a long time, Kog'Maw is generally considered a weaker ADC despite his 52.23% win rate in patch 10.16. However, this is not the case. Especially with the Lulu buffs that appeared in patch 10.2, Kog'Maw has been one of the better ADCs. A champion that suffers from WRD in runes as well as itemization, Kog'Maw is a pick that people are sleeping on.
A large proportion of players take Arcane Comet, presumably building AP and playing as an artillery mage. It suffices to say that this is not optimal. There isn't much to say about primary runes, and this is true for most ADCs in general. P221(12) are the optimal runes.
A glance at secondary runes reveals where most of Kog'Maw's WRD appears. A good half of Kog'Maw players take S303 when I230 is a much better choice, but that's not all: D201 is crazy good with Ravenous Hunter having a 55.4% win rate.
The first two shards are definitely standard: attack speed and adaptive force. Though the scaling health shard tests significant against armor, this effect does not appear in previous patches (nor in other carry champions), so we ignore it. The complete optimized rune page is P221(12) D201 X212. Doing so increases Kog'Maw's expected win rate from 52.23% to at least 55.4%, a RelDiff of 6.64%.

Bottom: Vayne - (Image)

One of the flashier, mechanically intensive bot lane carries, Vayne was not among the several ADCs buffed in patch 10.16. Her win rate only slightly decreased, sitting at an unassuming 50.82%.
Press the Attack is the go-to keystone, but everything else in the Precision tree is a situational choice between two runes. There's not much notable for Vayne's primary runes.
For secondary runes, about half of Vayne players take S303, but this is detrimental. A small but meaningful amount of players exchange either Nimbus Cloak or Gathering Storm for Celerity. Though it performs above average, like Kog'Maw, the best secondary runes are actually D201 with a 52% win rate.
Once again, there's nothing unusual in the stat shards. The complete optimized rune page is P1(12)(13)(12) D201 X212. Doing so increases Vayne's expected win rate from 50.82% to at least 51.8%, a RelDiff of 1.99%. This shows that Vayne is solved with respect to runes, meaning her win rate is more or less an accurate reflection of her true strength in the current meta.

Support: Bard - (Image)

Aside from some unusual hitbox interactions on Cosmic Binding (Q), Bard is seen as a high skill cap champion that isn't very unfair to play against. With just one damage ability but boatloads of utility, Bard crept into the professional meta and has been a top 5 support in terms of presence for quite a while. Even after his last nerf in patch 10.16 bringing him from a 53.29% win rate to 52.07%, Bard remains a very strong champion—assuming, of course, that you're taking the right runes.
Last season, Electrocute on Bard was nearly universal. Since then, Guardian Bard (AKA "Bardian") has shot up in popularity as more and more players realize that it is the optimal keystone. Nowadays, only a stubborn 20% of Bard players still take the inferior Electrocute. Indeed, flipping through data from previous patches reveals that despite Guardian's 55% win rate throughout the end of season 9, the pick rate did not reach 50% until Guardian was buffed in patch 10.12. Bard players take Demolish, but in general, Demolish is not statistically a good rune compared to Font of Life for supports. Then, every rune in the third row of Resolve is situationally good and Revitalize is the best rune in the last row.
Secondary runes are all over the place, but in a rare occurrence, the most popular D013 also turns out to be optimal.
Both adaptive force and attack speed are situationally viable for the offense shard, but the flex shard is weighted in favor of resists, perhaps because Bard has minimal scaling with AP. The last shard is the standard armor rune. The complete optimized rune page is R32x2 D013 X(12)22. Doing so increases Bard's expected win rate from 52.07% to at least 53.3%, a RelDiff of 2.57%. Compare this to pre-nerf Bard in patch 10.3, where Bard with a nutty win rate of 54.10% had an optimized win rate of 57.1%, a RelDiff of 6.54%.

Support: Lux - (Image)

Lux support has recently emerged as the best support (and arguably, champion) in the game. The Sona-Lux duo popularized in patch 10.15 approached Master Yi-Taric funnel levels of win rate and was not nerfed until patch 10.17. Even discounting this duo win rate inflation, Lux has been overpowered for a long time and remains strong despite the recent nerfs.
Even after the popularization of Guardian, nearly one-fourth of players still go Arcane Comet, which despite having a win rate above 50%, is detrimental due to how overpowered Guardian Lux is. Summon Aery is much better with a 52.7% win rate, but still fails to come close to Guardian's win rate at 57.1%. Assuming every Lux playing Sona-Lux takes Guardian, its win rate would still be 55.5%, which is close to what we see in patch 10.14 and earlier.
Next, both Font of Life and Shield Bash are good on Lux, but the latter is optimal. Then, like Bard, the next row seems to be situationally viable. Though Conditioning has the highest win rate by a long shot, we do not observe this effect in non-Lux-Sona patches, so we can't say for sure that it's the best of the three runes. Lastly, Revitalize is unsurprisingly optimal.
For secondary runes, though I201 and S310 have high win rates in patches 10.15 and 10.16, they are not historically good, whereas D013 has been consistently good before Sona-Lux. This means that the win rates of I201 and S310 are potentially inflated by Sona-Lux. It's hard to tell since Guardian Lux support was not very popular before the introduction of this duo, but previous patches tell us to go with D013.
Adaptive force is the best offense shard, but the data then tells us that resists are better than more adaptive force. The complete optimized rune page is R33x2 D013 X123. Doing so increases Lux's expected win rate from 54.68% to at least 57.1%, a RelDiff of 5.34%. Compare this to when Guardian was buffed in patch 10.12 and Lux support had an insane RelDiff of 11.94%.


How do you read rune shorthand notation?
Most Yasuo players take P(34)21(12) D201 X213. This means Precision primary: Fleet Footwork or Conqueror (3 or 4), Triumph (2), Legend: Alacrity (1), and Coup de Grace or Cut Down (1 or 2). Then, Domination secondary: Taste of Blood (2), nothing (0), and Ravenous Hunter (1). Finally, X is for rune shards: attack speed, adaptive force, and magic resist.
The defense rune shard is typically based on matchup, but we put 3 to show that Yasuo has a significantly higher win rate in AP matchups. Junglers usually take armor for a healthier clear, but some junglers can take magic resist if their clear is good enough and they plan to fight enemies who deal primarily magic damage in the early game.
If every rune in a row is equally viable (or situational), we denote this with a lowercase X (e.g., P3x32).
Which League of Legends stats sites are useful?
Lolalytics is the most complete site; use this the most. It's crazy how good this site is. It contains many rank and time period subsets and conditional distributions, something no other site has. The site is also periodically updated with user-requested functionality.
The second most useful stats site has a paid option so it cannot be named (rule 9). It is homonymous with a brand of boots. It doesn't come close to Lolalytics in terms of completeness, but it has a few features Lolalytics doesn't yet have, like duo statistics (e.g., gold difference at 15 minutes).
League of Graphs is useful for trivia stats, like win rate of blue side vs. red side or surrender rates by tier. Other than that, it's not too useful.
What League of Legends stats sites should be avoided?
Avoid Champion.gg because it's missing a lot of important stats, and the stats it does provide lack context and thus may be misleading. Avoid using op.gg for stats because it only pulls data from the Korean server (but the site's other functions are great). Avoid Probuilds because pro players make suboptimal meta decisions all the time.
How can you know if a keystone is the best for a champion without actually playing many games on them?
Champion expertise isn't the most important thing when considering optimal meta decisions. Otherwise, all League of Legends analysts would be out of work—even pros don't always take the right runes, max the right abilities, or build the right items. Nevertheless, though win rates are the quintessential (and realistically, the sole reliable) indicators of strength, they alone do not provide a mechanism to justify why something is optimal; this is indeed something that may require champion expertise.
Can keystones be situational? For example, many Kassadin players take Fleet Footwork in certain matchups.
Yes, but whether or not something is situational is easily testable by checking data from conditional distributions, which for most champions will show that the overall optimal keystone is still optimal in the majority of specific matchups. Besides, most players on most champions take the same keystone regardless of matchup. On the other hand, minor runes are often situational. For example, for Darius, Second Wind is good against Teemo and Bone Plating is good against Renekton.
Can some runes be taken by smurfs, inflating their win rate? For example, smurfs might take Dark Harvest since they plan to get a lot of kills.
If the smurf effect existed in runes (as opposed to itemization), it would be negligible. Dark Harvest is not really the smurf's version of Electrocute. There are champions where both of the keystones have high pick rates, but Electrocute has a much higher win rate. If the smurf effect were prevalent, Dark Harvest would have the higher win rate all the time.


This about wraps up the post. The big takeaways are: even dedicated mains don't always know the best rune page for their champion, and that "hidden OP" champions are everywhere if you know where and how to look. I hope this information helps you climb in the last split of this season.
Disclaimer: before diving into ranked with a brand new rune page that isn't similar to the one you already use, do some research on champion-specific subs and statistics sites or play a normal game to see how you need to adjust your playstyle.
submitted by gkhsieh to summonerschool [link] [comments]

I can already guess what tournaments will look like lol.

Ornn vs Aatrox, with Yone to counter mages (replaces Jayce), and Maokai if too many top laners are banned.
Ever since Liandries nerf, I doubt many people will play a mage top, unless it's Heim (54% wr)
Fizz/Galio exclusively with Night Harvester
Annie for Luden's (possibly might see Azir this season)
Anivia will be the best Liandries user to counter tank comps
Kha'zix Kayn Olaf Karthus (teams with melee mids will favor Karthus/Kayn, and Kayn/Kha to counter Olaf/Karthus)
Jhin/Mf/Varus/Ashe are item favorites this season, everything else is stuck with Kraken but Varus is best with it atm. NA will still play Kai'sa for no apparent reason, maybe the lazy last hitting with Q lol.
Naut/Leona/Rakan/Alistar or a random mage support (Zyra/Nami from Korean teams that have a wide champ pool). Could see lane Lulu again, but non mythic heal/shield items are pretty garbo (looking at water staff and ardent lol, so naturally we will see more tanks with redemption to stack with Aatrox)
Lulu notorious for buffering Aatrox (Kind of like Orianna Reneckton back in the old days).
Item changes
If Tear gets another buff (archangel) we will see Kassadin/Cass again, but Luden's with magic pen and 40% void staff pretty much means burst mages like Annie/Syndra will dominate. There is always a buff nerf between the cycle of mages.
Liandries has pushed AziAsol/Anivia into top contender spots since they outright beat Fizz/Galio/Zed, and Fizz/Galio/Zed are better into your Luden champs (Annie/Syndra)
Really wish the game would push for a later Dragon/Rift Herald, because any champ top/jg pick that is stronger than the other team will always lose double skuttle/rift into mythic and dragon control. (The reason those four ADC's I mentioned earlier exist, because they give you bot lane prio and better dragon fights).
So your typical scaling ADC's like Vayne/Cait(Jhins a better Caitlyn btw)/Kai'sa won't ever net your team a good early Dragon. Tristana might be the only well designed ADC that can content with the stronger ADC picks (Jump and her strong early game lol)
Matches will be very short at start of the tournaments, while quartesemis will drag on longer (since people die so fast you can get punished for being so aggro).
Solo queue matches are especially rough thanks to plates and rift like I mentioned before (jungle gap), ganking is ever so more impactful, since it gives you the juicy plates, double skuttle and rift control. Ganking bot lane seems to be a waste, since mid/top are better focal points for team fights and mythic rushes).
Like if a Jungler camps mid, and the opposing Jungler camps bot, a Luden's Annie will just straight up 1 shot your bot lane with their Kraken Slayer nonsense. Or a top laner like Aatrox/Ornn will still roll your bot lane. Not always true, but generally correct here.
submitted by Nhika to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Well, here we are boys, the final scouting post before groups - LGD Matchup Analysis

Well, here we are boys, the final scouting post before groups - LGD Matchup Analysis
Hello again, my fellow 格鲁布 Gamers. Time for the final post before our team actually takes the stage. And I for one am pretty hyped about it. I believe in our team against this group and I think LGD is another team we can handle. Seeing our players dominate the Chinese server has been pretty great.
But anyway, for those of you that don't know, I am the matchup rankings guy. I have done posts scouting Gen.G, Fnatic, and, now here we are with LGD. Due to how the Chinese API works, not a tonnnnn of data on some of these players, but still some insights to be had.
So here is my analysis of their roster rankings and their best champions!
tl;dr This team looks targetable. They seem to have a lot of targetable champ pools and for the most part do not impress like other teams like Gen.G
Now for those of you that are not familiar, I have done a couple of matchup rankings where I look across all of pro Lol and aggregate the average champion matchup (think like Jayce vs. Kayle, if you aren’t up at least 20 cs as Jayce, you lost the lane, or vice versa). More information below. But from that, I wanted to figure out the ranking of LGD players and what champions they play well.
One more thing, I dont want this data to be interpreted as, X player is good on Y champ, we should ban it. I would hope the TSM players/analysts look at this with nuance/patch data and decide where to ban as well as just memorize matchups around LGD's champ pools, etc.
But anyway, lets get into the data:
Surprisingly, this team looks the most beatable of all our opponents (surprising if you didn't watch play-ins).
SO, let's start with Xiye, their top dog in the mid lane. For these charts below, the left is champion ranking and the middle is count of games, and the right is standard deviation (the larger the std. dev. the more inconsistent they are).
Xiye's Champions: Prep for Kassadin, Syndra, and Ekko
I think Xiye is a target. He clearly loves his Kassadin, I mean this guy loves his Kassadin:
Xiye's data from lolvvv.com on Chinese Super Server
And I LOVE that he does. Kassadin feels like a champion that if you know it is coming and can prep for, I think you can blow the game open. Please be prepared for this guy's Kass, feels like his pocket pick. (And Bjergsen thought playing against Mango Dog's Kassadin wasn't going to be helpful hue hue hue)
Other than that, Xiye's Syndra is strong, but I believe in Bjerg against Syndra. And, Xiye's Ekko has been consistently good. Feels like a good matchup for our king in the midland.

Langx's Champions: Prep for Ornn, Voli, Camille, and Renekton
Langx's data from lolvvv.com on Chinese Super Server
So looking at this guy's data. He seems to favor a certain champion pool. I love players like this because I think analyses like this expose them and allow for our players to memorize matchups and generally ban/be prepared. And this guy seems to have five: Jayce, Ornn, Volibear, Camille, Renekton. A lot of meta there and I think he is a good player on top of that seeing as he can mix carries with tanks but... hoping BB is up to snuff on all these matchups and wrecks him like the schmurda king we know.

Kramer's Champions: Doublelift and Bio need to dominate the bot lane.
Kramer's data from lolvvv.com on Chinese Super Server
Kramer loves his Ezreal, his most played champ on both pro games and the super server. But when I look at the overall data, he played well on Twitch, he plays well on Jhin, but it just feels average. And we got Doublelift and Bio to beat average. ;)
PS look up this dude, he looks like he should be a professional actor: https://www.lolvvv.com/pro/Kramebuilds

Peanut's Champions: He can play it all, but feels like a weakness to LGD
Peanut's data from lolvvv.com on Chinese Super Server
He loves his Graves and has shown to be decently effective on it. Kindred seems to be another meta pick that he can handle but similar to their bot lane, it feels like Spica can handle this guy. He plays a lot of champions well, so I wouldn't focus on banning him out for his champ pool, focus more on the meta and matchups/team comps.
My final thing I want to say, is despite what my analyses may say, people think we aren't going to get out. And I love being the underdog. None of this pressure, just show up and win and I think our boys are gonna represent NA.

More background on matchup rankings:
We see a lot of rankings based on differentials, but those have always bothered me a lot of the time. Players are playing losing champion matchups and then being attacked later (after people forget the matchups) for having a low CS differential or gold differential for the year. So I wanted to make a matchup-proof ranking.
To further elaborate, what this ranking is doing is looking at how, for example, a pro played Leblanc into Zoe and comparing against how every other mid or top laner pro player played that matchup. So if you score really high, that could mean every game this season you were down in CS, but what it would also mean, is that when other pros played that EXACT same matchup, they were even more down in CS. So, if Bjergsen was down 15 cs in a matchup, that probably means on average, other pros were down somewhere between 20-30 cs in that same matchup, as an example, as Bjergsen has a good score.
Laning - CS, Gold, XP differentials by matchup
Effectiveness - Damage/Gold given by matchup
Roaming - A little tougher, looking at gold income and taking away XP and team gold income
P.S. AS ALWAYS, additional shoutout to https://oracleselixir.com/ for the data, Tim Sevenhuysen is doing great work out there
submitted by Data_Rich to TeamSolomid [link] [comments]

I don't see how any of you can get out of low elo.

I've played for 6 years. I one tricked Morde for 4, before he was changed.
I consistently out farm my opponents. I focus objectives. I ward.
Most of the time, I'll kick the enemy laner's ass and than BAM, 3,4, and 5 top.
All I know is Bronze. Even if I win all 10 placements, I still get Bronze.
I just don't know what to do after all these years. Even when I get fed, it's still not enough sometimes.
Am I really that bad? I guess so.
There is no escape from elo hell, y'all. No escape.
Olaf is my best champ. I've learned Aatrox, and he is great, yet if I get fed on Aatrox, I still lose in most cases. I've also picked up Kassadin and Trynd. I'm trash at Kass, and even tho my Trynd cs is bonkers imo, I still don't do well enough with him
submitted by MordekiaserGod to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

What is that one thing you guys do that any other idiot who plays kassadin for 20 games doesnt?

Im that idiot btw
disclaimer: im not looking for advice for noobs, but rather some more mindblowing stuff that i wouldnt have considered before
hi, im a gold1/plat4 talon/viktor mid or camille top player and ive recently started playing kassadin into stuff (e.g. ekko) that counters my main champions, or into broken crap like syndra and akali where i cant be bothered to play a losing matchup for talon/viktor
over every champion there is that one thing that the mains do, that everyone else cant.
for example, rengar triple q, talon flower combo, master yi meditate auto reset etc
ive heard from eoba (one of or the best talon NA) in his talon vs kassadin matchups that "a good kassadin will start w"
tl;dr what is the KassadinMains family secret?
jokes/memes and stuff all welcome, im trying to fit in :)
submitted by YoImEddo to KassadinMains [link] [comments]

Which LCS Team to root for if you're an NFL Fan

A friend of mine just started playing League and wanted to get into watching the LCS but didn't know which team to root for since there are no location/regional affiliations like in traditional sports. My friends and I broke down LCS teams for him based on the closest NFL comparisons we could make! Obviously my opinions concerning NFL teams are biased, but I tried to be as objective as possible...
He has decided to become a FlyQuest fan and root against TSM!
What do you guys think of the breakdown? ____________________________________
Cloud 9 - Kansas City Chiefs
Great Offensive Coach. Great front office. Relentlessly aggressive team. Until the last split they hadn't won in a really really long time, but lead by a young 2nd year superstar they introduced the league to one of the greatest displays of offensive league of legends we've ever seen in NA. Now, they're the clear favorites to become back-to-back champions.
Drawbacks to being a C9 fan? If you join now you're clearly a bandwagon fan, but very few NA fans "hate" C9. ____________________________________
100 Thieves - The Las Vegas Raiders
Their management just invested in a pretty dope ass facility and their GM was once a massive media personality but transitioned into a management role. His roster building skills have been questioned recently due to him picking up an Australian import who is struggling to keep up with the top midlaners in the league, but there are some solid foundational pieces on the team like their Top laner and their ADC. If they just found a way to bring in TARZANED/Dardoch/Forg1ven for 2 weeks and then fired him for toxic behavior, the comparison would be perfect... But tbh, they are a pretty stylish org with cool merch and fun personalities, albeit a somewhat lackluster roster at the moment.
FlyQuest - Philadelphia Eagles but with a hippie fan base
Year after year they seem to get better. Solid front office. No prolific and superstar players but they play as a team and their midlaner especially is quickly making a big name for himself. All roles can go toe to toe against their counterparts, with the exception of their ADC which seems to be their biggest weakness. IMO, in LCS ADCs are pretty compatible to Wide receivers in the NFL. They placed 2nd last split and look to be a solid contender, though for some reason no one really talks much about them... Their fanbase however is not really as "edgy" like Philly fans tend to be. They're pretty mellow and wanna plant trees and shit. Currently, they are a worse version of C9, but their fanbase is growing and seem to be making great staff/roster decisions. The future is bright.
Team Solomid - If Tom Brady joined the Cowboys
You're either with them or against them! They're the villans of the LCS. According to TSM fans, this team can contest the best of the best. According to everyone else, they're consistently less than the sum of their parts and will struggle to make Worlds. They got management drama, inept coaching, and media can't stop talking about them... BUT, they consist of some of the biggest names in LoL, they're a prolific and historic team. In recent times their fandom hasn't really correlated to any tangible success, but they never fly under the radar. Now, with a sudden, surprising, and somewhat controversial turn of events, they've added the Tom Brady of the LCS to their roster. Doublelift was/is pretty unanimously held as the best NA player of all time, but many say he has hit his peak and he's falling off the cliff. Can DL rewind the clock and bring both himself and TSM back to their glory days???
Golden Guardians - Seattle Seahawks
Yes their solo lanes are solid, but with how bad their bot lane is their only real win-condition every single game is Closer (Similar to Russel Wilson) popping off and hard carrying. If you like hero ball this is the team for you. No one expects them to make it deep, but they're surprisingly competitive in most games they play even against the best teams...
Dignitas - Tenesse Titans except replace Derrick Henry with Frank Gore...
Extremely 1 dimensional playstyle that somewhat worked in the past, but isn't really scaring anyone anymore. Weak toplaner, solid rookie ADC, 1 dimensional mid-laner, average jungler, and somewhat washed-up support. As long as they have Froggen and Aphromoo there will always be a skill-cap for this team... Reasons to root for Dignitas: There's this 1 larger than life media personality that's pretty addictive to listen to and he's like the biggest Frank Gore (Froggen) fan of all time.
Immortals - The French Browns
French Mid, Top, and Ex-Coach. Their top laner talks shit about the region though most consider him one of the worst top laners in the region. They benched their best player. They just fired their GM and coach after receiving a ton of public criticism. Their midlaner is mediocre and may be the most flamed individual in the LCS. They have no idea how to build a cohesive roster. BUT....They are 0-4 and probably cannot get any worse... Now's the time to buy low??? Positives for supporting IMT: You may be their first and only non-family-member fan.
Team Liquid - Pittsburgh Steelers
Fantastic Coach and GM. Great staff/front office. Solid foundational pieces and seem to be really good and finding undiscovered talent (similar to C9). However, it's hard to tell whether losing/replacing their superstar ADC (similar to Antonio Brown) will be a good move for the long term. They have another solid young adc (like Juju), but only time will tell if Tactical can provide TL with the fire-power they need to lift another trophy... However, no one can take away their championships and they have the veteran leadership to go deep in any bracket. Many would consider them a Top 4 team :P
Counter Logic Gaming - The Bills
They like to think they have a rivalry with the patriots (TSM) but in reality the patriots don't even know they exist. They don't really win much but they try really hard. Apparently they've been doing really well in scrims so maybe this is their breakout year.... but that's also what we thought last year... and the year before that...
Evil Geniuses - Baltimore Ravens
Besides Cloud 9, they have the most aggressive mid/jungle duo in the league. They playMVP caliber Jungler and a fucking batshit crazy mid-laner (kinda like Lamar Jackson and Mark Ingram). They have a pretty 1 dimensional playstyle, but that doesn't mean their opponents can stop it... With the recent growth in their top laner, Kumo, they might just give C9 a run for their money this split... if they don't pick Kassadin mid. They also seem to have a level headed coach and a management team that isn't very stingy at all.
submitted by KOPSlumdog to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

Challenger Initial Thoughts on 10.12 Meta and Brief Meta Comps Guide - Chatskiiees

Hey Reddit! I'm a challenger player in all 3 sets of tft on OCE and also Challenger in Set 3 on NA. I am also Master on OCE for set 3.5. You may have seen a similar post by me regarding the 10.7 patch and 10.8 patch which after a little hiatus to grind snapshots I've decided to do again! After playing 30 or so games on the first day in challenger lobbies, many pbe games and challenger in-house lobbies i have a pretty good idea about which comps will be strong. Use this as a way to get started in 10.12 until the meta settles and maybe get a little free LP before everyone catches on. If you have any questions feel free to leave them here or ask me on my stream (twitch.tv/chatskiiees) i should be live for the next 12 hours or so grinding back to rank 1 shortly after this this post goes live. Let's get into it!

Key Information (Gameplay)

Key Information (Units/Synergies)

Key Information (Items)

10.12 Team Compositions

(A+/S++++ (No asol/Asol)) 4 Mystics Protectors. Protectors are back and yea its just as annoying as last time. Xin lives forever, eats everyone, and rakan thinks its fun to knockup your whole team for no reason. Urgot 2 makes this comp giga busted and a perfect item of this comp (in the asol version) is pretty much a guaranteed 1st. The skill expression on this comp comes with your personal discipline. You have to know when its a 3 starring xin game and when its a push levels game. Typically, i push levels with early spat to find asol as soon as possible, or when contested. If uncontested, i'll make a decision on 4-1 whether i'm going to keep rolling ( i typically slowroll on 6 to find all my upgraded protectors and cassio 2) or going to push levels. Cassio 3 is the win condition in this comp without asol. 9 for 4 celestial in both variations.
*You can also play 4 mystics with 4 vanguards with cassio carry, but this is weaker and typically lacks damage in the late game without 3* cassio. You can win with this comp if you winstreak with 4 vanguards however, as you will usually last till top2-3. Run xin items on wukong.
(S) Astro Snipers. This comp is the bread and butter of NA right now but gets very little play in my region, between 0-2 a game. The comp however is still very effective. 4 Snipers seems core from my experience as 2 snipers doesn't let jhin carry fast enough and your frontline gets overwhelmed. There is debate on BIS for jhin but nothing beats double runanas dblade in my opinion. IE/LW/GS are all fine however. You can also prioritise a xerath 2 with guinsoo if you are playing a heavy vanguard lobby. Teemo items are very important in this comp as well do not overlook them, jhin is priority however. Go 9 for mystic 9 is key for this comps success in the late game.
(A+) Cybernetiks My personal favourite comp has a new friend in vayne and she's pretty lit. This comp plays fairly linearly but the debate comes in the form of irelia carry or vayne carry. Personally, i prefer irelia, especially when uncontested as 3* 4 costs when you are winstreaking is pretty reliable when uncontested, but vayne 3 also packs a big punch. The items are BIS for irelia and vayne imo. Celestial feels really bad to run now with no kassadin. If you are running vayne play jhin for sniper and if you are playing irelia play blademasters. Go 9 for thresh or fizz if you have good ekko items.
(A+) RebelsThe days of ziggs rebel is over so we back to jinx. The jinx nerfs are noticeable significantly on 3 star jinx but two star jinx feels as good as ever. People might condemn me for saying firecannon is best in slot but honestly try it out and you'll never go back. You can reroll with this comp if you are close to hitting or are on trade sector but for the most part i go straight to 8. Play 6 rebels at 7 with blaster and it should carry you to 8 where you can play ekko or gangplank. Ekko is exceptionally good in this comp with zed granting infiltrator and the stasis effect of ekkos ult allowing asol to drain the opponents mana ( as he continues flying during stasis). Play whichever 5* you don't have in at 9 (gangplank or ekko) though sometimes i skip gangplank if no ga or no upgrades and keep malphite, running gnar alongside him for more frontline, taking out ziggs. Run Urgot over gangplank or ekko if you hit protector spat for asol and i've even had success playing 6 rebel 4 protector at 9 with asol protector.
(A-S-S+??) Sorc Mech/ standard Variations of this comp is probably what i'm most unsure of, though i have played a lot of games of each type. Sorc mech is definitely strong as a comp, 3 piece mech with titans and 6 sorc just obliterates teams. Viktor is typically my carry in this comp unless i play the 6 star guardian variant. Viktor positioning is extremely important and viktor 3 is the win con (beating any other comp ive found including prot asol.) Play to reach level 7 deciding what variation of 6 sorcs to play (star guardians, mech, riven, viktor or gangplank) rolling till you have the core units and a holder for rabadons/ga (viktoriven ahri 2 etc.) . If i get star guardian spat i run viktor carry. I mostly play the mech variant with viktor carry. What you put in at 9 depends on which comp you run.

(B At best) Blaster brawler i mean this is probably still ok cause jinx is good but don't play this. Same as ever just another blaster over mf and gnar over cho. I know from experience this comp for reddit is like the gospel truth but seriously this is just worse than the other comps. Play it if you don't like having to think.
(D) 6 Darkstars / 6 Battlecast / 6 Chrono

Final Thoughts and TL:DR

Thank you so much once again for reading my guide on the 10.12 patch and i hope you got something out of it. I expect the accuracy of my predictions to be on par with the last and i reiterate that the meta may change but this guide should get you started well. Make sure you aren't hard forcing any of these comps unless you are extremely confident in doing so as the game is extremely balanced right now and it is better to play based on what items/units you hit. Play comps and watch streams (like mine at twitch.tv/chatskiiees) to improve. Make sure you don't autopilot while playing and if you want to climb the game needs 100% of your focus. Always remember that tft is like any sport/discipline in that imitation will only ever get you so far and true excellence requires creativity, adaptation and artistry. I'll be streaming this patch on my main in high OCE chally and doing lolchess/AMA for probably the whole day today! Feel free to leave comments below aswell i always try to answer them all. GLHF!
submitted by Chatskiiees to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

(GM 1) Guide To Brawler Blasters (long)

(GM 1) Guide To Brawler Blasters (long)
Hi I'm TFT Requiem, Former C1 in Garena and currently Gm and climbing in Na. This is my first guide so my writing might be bad :(
There's a summary at the bottom if you do not have time.
I just wanted to give a guide on Brawler Blaster, my favourite comp since patch 10.8b. I know everyone's been complaining about the state of the game due to all the 1 cost hyperrolls (Shredder, Candyland, Void Kha) but I've been consistently climbing even without playing these hyperroll comps.
Your first priority from the carousel is vest, as it could be made into bramble, GA, red buff, shroud and Frozen heart which are really good in this meta. If you lose the carousel fight, your 2nd priority is Glove or Bow for LW which I believe is the best item right now due to poppy players and 2 vanguard players early game. If you lose everything, just go after what is left, except rod as it is useless.
After the creep rounds you need to always look for the strongest units there are to save hp and scout if there are other players who would be potentially stronger than you even if you level to 4. I usually level to 4 at 2-1 if i get a red buff. Your potential 2-1 board would look like this:
Lucian with red buff + leftover items to your other cyber units. However, if you aren't lucky enough to get a cyber start or a lucian you can manage your board with any champs you 2 star and put ur items on a early carry. E.g. Xayah 2, Cait 2, Tf 2, Kha 2 and so on.
You should try to get a 2nd full item from the carousel, to finish your 2nd jinx item (LW, Trap Claw, GA) or a item you can utilise like Ionic Spark, Zephyr, TG, Bramble, ZZrot and Frozen heart.
*** If you have a tear always try to build redemption *** Redemption on Cho can save lives.
After the carousel, at 2-5 you should level up and put in a extra 2 star or a good synergy. Malph 2, Blitz or Graves 2 can suffice. If you get a vi at any stage replace Fiora with Vi and give the extra item you gave on Fiora to Lucian.

If you winstreaked all the way to the 2nd Creeps, I usually level to 6 at 3-1 and roll down, look for a lucky jinx or brawlers to put in. If you do not winstreak, level to 6 at 3-2 and roll down to 0. I've never seen people in even GM and Chall roll down to 0, which made my board stronger and allowed me to winstreak and save my hp.
Your potential 3-2 board would look like this, with a jinx or a jinx pair on the bench:
After rolling down, you should econ back up till 4-1 no matter how much you lose or win. (Best Jinx items are LW GS GA with redbuff on Ezreal) Just pick up potential final units and at 4-1, level up to 7 then roll again to 0. This should give you a Jinx 2 or a Cho 2 with upgrading other brawler units to 2stars as well. Pick up Sona and Karma during this rolldown as they can potentially buildup in to 4 Brawlers 3 rebels 2 blasters 2 chrono if Mf doesnt appear. Throw away your lucian after you get a Jinx 2
*Never try to 3star anything early except maybe Vi.
*DO NOT GO FOR MF ITEMS there's no certain that you'd hit a mf or a mf 2 at 8, which would be your final board.
After your 4-1 rolldown, your board should consist of:
If there is a Kassadin or Rakan that can immobilize your jinx, you can change the board to your right or to:

You should seek to level up to 8 at 4-5 or 5-1 depending on your hp and gold. If you do not get your Jinx/Cho/Vi after your 4-1 roll, you need to roll for at least a Jinx 2 before levelling up. There's a lot of difference between Jinx 1 and Jinx 2. After reaching 8, roll down again for a potential MF or MF 2 or to 2star anything you have left over. If you find a MF, you have to give her your left over items or items made with rods and tears and go typical 4B&B.

If you do not find Mf, however, You need to find a Karma/Lulu and finish your board like this:
After your board is finished, you have 2 options: Level to 9 and find an asol or roll at 8, looking for MF 2 and for Jinx 3/Cho 3. As I play in a higher elo lobby, people have strong boards and I usually do not get to do either and just finish with the board i showed above.

2-1 level 4 strongest board
2-5 level 5 strongest board
3-2 level 6 roll to 0 strongest board
4-1 level 7 roll to 0 strongest board
5-1 level 8 roll to 0 strongest board
Scout frequently to see if there are other jinx users and if there are more than 2 take these 1 stage ahead to take the units first.
If you dont get brawler units or jinxes and if you get a lot of irelias and kayles on the 3-2 roll or 4-1 roll you can go for chrono kayle or cybers, making this playstyle a lot more flexible.

Thank you for reading my guide! Hope you guys can climb fast after reading this guide. Feel free to ask questions or point out any mistakes on this post or add me in game. TFT Requiem
submitted by autosong18 to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]


  • Slowroll comp with Master Yi as carry. His ult gives him true damage and attack speed which lets him shred frontlines and snowball.
  • Yasuo shuts down ranged carries like Jinx and Jhin which otherwise give you trouble.
  • Sona provides healing and cleanses CC which is devastating for Blademasters.
When to Play
  • When you can make QSS. Pretty easy to force because it’s relatively uncontested at the moment, and has very little overlap with meta comps apart from Kayle.
  • Me bangbros me no scout me no pivot if you contest me we go 7 8 holding hands
  • Uncontested at the moment, makes good use of unpopular item components and isn’t reliant on BF Sword.
  • Comes online earlier than other slowroll comps because of easy transitions and core units being relevant early (Yasuo, Blitzcrank, Shen).
  • Good matchups against high-tier comps that rely on physical damage like Cybernetics, Mech Infiltrators and Dark Stars.
  • Gets wrecked by Sorcerer burst, especially Star Guardians. Without 4 Mystic and DClaw you don’t stand a chance.
Key Items
  • Quicksilver on Yi - if you don’t have this it’s an 8th
  • AP items: Rabadon’s and Rageblade are the two best ones. Extra ones can go on Yasuo
  • Other tank items: Bramble Vest or Dragon’s Claw depending on the lobby. Can settle for others if you don’t hit, QSS is priority so don’t slam any other Cloak items.
  • GA, HoJ, GS, IE: all good on Yasuo. GA is a priority especially if you can get it early.
  • Mana items for Sona - ideally Seraph’s but Chalice is good too
  • 3 Rebel: Master Yi / Yasuo / Sona - these are the only core units, you need to 3 star all of them
  • Rebel: Malphite, Jinx, Aurelion Sol - Malph is very useful early since he’s one of the best 2 star units and gives you Brawler synergy with Blitzcrank. If you get Jinx items she’s a good secondary carry but usually you would give items like HoJ/GA/IE to Yasuo.
  • Chrono: Shen, Blitzcrank, Thresh - Shen gives you 3 Blademaster, Blitz is great early. Wukong is dogshit but decent transition if you got Vanguards early.
  • Mystic: Karma, Soraka, Lulu - all give you 2 Mystic with Sonalmfao
  • Blademaster: Xayah, Irelia, Kayle - Can go 6 BM with these three. Xayah gives you Celestial with Lulu.
Level 7: 4 Chrono / 3 Blademaster / 3 Rebel

Level 8: 4 Chrono / 3 Blademaster / 3 Rebel / 2 Mystic

Level 9: 4 Chrono / 3 Blademaster / 2 Mystic/Celestial/Mana-Reaver

Early Game
  • Carousel priority is Glove > Rod > Vest. Thankfully this build doesn’t require too much of any one item, only Tear is an int.
  • Make the strongest board you can, Yasuo/Yi/Sona are relatively uncontested so you can buy them on the way and not worry about rolling down early. You don’t care as much about carousel priority as a Mech or E-Girls player would.
  • Cybers is the ideal opener since you can spread items well, but early Brawlers (Blitz/Malphite) or Blasters (Lucian/Graves) are good too because they can hold items and use them well.
  • Don’t worry too much about streaking, just conserve health and keep econ healthy.
Mid Game
  • Keep playing strong boards while picking up your units. Scout to see if you’re contested, if it’s not looking good you can pivot to Kayle (bows and GA), Brawler Blasters (bows and swords) or Protectors (tank items).
  • Shen and Blitz will enable a lot of synergies in the midgame like Brawlers, Blademasters and Chrono. 2 star all your units to make use of the synergies.
  • Try to level to 6 if you can and slowroll. You can theoretically slowroll at 5 but it’s likely you’ll get run over if you spend too much time at 5.
  • I usually roll down all my gold if I’m bleeding health. If I don’t hit Yi and Yasuo 3 it’s an 8th. Because the build is uncontested, you can buy 2 and 3 cost units to increase the chances of them appearing in shop.
Late Game
  • You should hit late game once the Bang Bros are online. Your priorities will depend on the lobby - if there’s a lot of magic damage you want to go to 7 and put in another Mystic (it doesn’t matter which one). If there isn’t much magic damage, look for Wukong and Thresh - might need to hit 8 to find Thresh unless you can get him off a carousel.
  • At 8, your priority is to find Thresh, then Lulu. Upgrade any units you can, including 3 star if you’re hitting them in the shops.
  • Going 9 is rare, but if you get Kassadin you enable Celestial and Mana-Reaver. Celestial Orb gives you a lot of flexibility - you can throw in ASol or any other strong unit.

submitted by Ahcse to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

Hi - It's Exil and I make Documentary League Vids. I am making a video about Quinn, and asking the sub for some input!

Hey guys, so the last few times I've made videos about league champions, I went over to the the champion mains reddit and asked them about their main champ. This has worked great, and I was able to find out a lot of information and draw inspiration! Now, it's time to do a new one, about your guys Quinn!
For context reasons, I am not too familiar with Quinn. Although I do play top lane, due to Quinn not really being that popular for pretty much her entire lifespan as a champion, I rarely see her. I plan to structure the video around 5 main topics.
Release: Probably the champion with the biggest "identity problem" I have ever seen in League of Legends. The original Valor-Control ultimate has to be the worst possible ult for an ADC, and she felt like she had no direction, no chance of succeeding in the bot lane, and didn't have the CC or late game of a top laner + her jungle clear wasn't very good either.
Mini Rework: A lot better approach on paper... but ultimately still fell flat. Giving her the niche of hyper-roaming, something only matched by talon several years later, allowed riot to at least have some kind of direction and gameplay feeling. You pick quinn to roam. It's clearly not perfect, but it was a start.
Strong Season 6: The year of thunderlord's has to be her best year ever as a champion, with a very strong win rate in solo queue for the entire season, abusing the new ghostblade, and huni even getting a penta kill on her in NA LCS.
The Tyler1 Phase: Remember when T1 showed the whole ladder you gotta Quinn-it to Win-it?

Overall champion problems: Why is she so neglected? What makes her so unpopular? What about Quinn has made it literally impossible for riot to get right?

For all these talking points as well as any additional information, feel free to let me know down below!! Thank you guys!
Here is a link to the other documentary videos I have made for Ivern, Kassadin, Kalista, and Lee Sin if you'd like to see them for reference. Thank you!!!
Ivern - https://youtu.be/9WF1PTt33Y8
Kass - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czo5P9z_zj8
Kalista - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDOYVAX6C3Y
Lee - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9CddG4TLyk
submitted by ExilYoutube to QuinnMains [link] [comments]

Legends of Metal - Metal Themes for Every Champion

Waaaaaaay back in 2011, a dude named Giltia Zero posted a thread on the League forums giving metal themes to every League champ. I thought it was dope, so I revived it in 2013. Seven years later, it feels like a good time to update it again, yeah? Here's my last thread, which includes a link to the last GZ thread as well.
Disclaimers: Metal often contains explicit lyrics including violence and profanity. Listen at your own risk I guess. One song per band. Personally I lean towards classic heavy metal, thrash, sludge, and power metal, but I'll try to be diverse. Comments with "GZ" are from Giltia Zero, the maker of the OG thread, everything else is from me.
You're free to suggest songs for champs, but I'm also free to ignore them. It's a list, not a constitution, it's here to have fun and help people find sick new metal to listen to. Enjoy!
Spotify playlist here. (Thanks T-Snacks!)
Youtube playlist here.
Recent Changes:
Aatrox: VLTIMAS - "Total Destroy"
Ahri: Mötley Crüe - "Looks That Kill"
Akali: Iron Sphere - "Shadow Dance"
Alistar: Mastodon - "Trampled Under Hoof"
This list needed some of my favorite metal band.
Amumu: Candlemass - "Solitude"
Anivia: Crimson Glory - "Lady of Winter"
Annie: Mercyful Fate - "Welcome the Princess of Hell"
Aphelios: Nails - "Into Quietus"
Ashe: Sabaton - "White Death"
GZ: The Frost Archer is a suitable candidate for the theme of Simo Hayha, the deadliest man to have ever lived.
Quick shill from OP, almost all Sabaton songs are about real war stories and war heroes. It's dope. Here's the story of Simo Hayha.
Aurelion Sol: Twilight Force - "The Power of the Ancient Force"
Azir: Mystic Prophecy - "Hail to the King"
Bard: Soilwork - "Whispers and Lights"
Blitzcrank: Black Sabbath - "Iron Man"
GZ: Lot of people would stick this to Morde, I feel it suits Blitz better.
Brand: King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - "Self-Immolate"
If you haven't heard this fantastic throwback thrash album, do yourself a favor. Just don't expect any other King Gizzard album to sound anything like this, they change up styles constantly.
Braum: Beast in Black - "Cry Out For A Hero"
Caitlyn: Anthrax - "I Am The Law"
Camille: Fear Factory - "Autonomous Combat System"
Cassiopeia: Angel Witch - "Gorgon"
Cho'Gath: Bal-Sagoth - "Behold, the Armies of War Descend Screaming from the Heavens"
GZ: Everyone's favorite voidborn horror deserves nothing less.
Corki: Saxon - "Fire in the Sky"
I would love to put Aces High here, but... Fiddlesticks.
Darius: Anaal Nathrakh - "Forward!"
Diana: Demons & Wizards - "Lunar Lament"
Dr. Mundo: Helloween - "Mr. Torture"
GZ: Power metal for Mundo? Mundo goes where he pleases.
Draaaaaaven: Steel Panther - "All I Wanna Do Is Fuck (Myself Tonight)"
Hair Metal Draven, let's fucking go.
Ekko: Tyr - "King of Time"
Elise: Rage - "Strings to a Web"
Evelynn: Symphony X - "Eve of Seduction"
Ended up giving Elise's song to Eve because Eve isn't The Widowmaker anymore, so this is a better fit for her.
Ezreal: Saor - "Forgotten Paths"
Fiddlesticks: Iron Maiden - "Fear of the Dark"
GZ: I will NOT be giving this to Nocturne because you like Nocturne better. If you can't at least suggest a BETTER replacement, don't bother. I will not entertain anything beyond a superior song for Fiddlesticks.
Fiora: Dragonforce - "Die By The Sword"
Fizz: Early Man - "Feeding Frenzy"
Galio: Gorod - "The Sentry"
Gangplank: Alestorm - "Keelhauled"
Garen: Manowar - "The Dawn Of Battle"
Gnar: Behemoth - "We Are The Next 1000 Years"
Gragas: Korpiklaani - "Juodaan Viinaa"
Option 2 would be "That Famous Ol' Spiced" by Alestorm or the other 500 Korpiklaani songs about various kinds of alcohol.
Graves: Overkill - "Charlie Get Your Gun"
Hecarim: Slayer - "Ghosts of War"
Heimerdinger: Voivod - "Killing Technology"
Irelia: 3 Inches of Blood - "Swordmaster"
Illaoi: Goatwhore - "Those Who Denied God's Will"
Ivern: Amorphis - "Tree of Ages"
Janna: Whispered - "Lady of the Wind"
Jarvan: Dream Evil - "The Chosen Ones"
Jax: Crescent Shield - "Above Mere Mortals"
Jayce: Hammerfall - "Hammer of Justice"
Jhin: Thy Art Is Murder - "The Final Curtain"
It feels bad that I couldn't find a really good song about murder that uses the number four. Ironically, if this was a rap song list, I've got it covered.
Jinx: Screaming Mechanical Brain - "Happy Happy Joy Joy"
Kai'sa: Fallujah - "The Void Alone"
Kalista: Arch Enemy - "Vengeance Is Mine"
Karma: Gamma Ray - "Rise"
Karthus: Skeletonwitch - "Despoiler of Human Life"
Kassadin: In Flames - "Behind Space 99"
Katarina: Razor - "Edge of the Razor"
Kayle: Avantasia - "Scales of Justice"
Kayn: Final Breath - "Yearning For Next Murder"
Underrated-as-hell death thrash right here. Give this one a shot.
Kennen: Stormlord - "Stormlord"
Kha'Zix: The Locust - "Live From The Russian Compound"
Kindred: Gojira - "The Art Of Dying"
Kled: Pantera - "Fucking Hostile"
Kind of wild that Pantera wasn't on any of the previous lists.
Kog'Maw: Wormed - "Undeciphering the Inquantificability"
Leblanc: Coroner - "Mistress of Deception"
Lee Sin: Firewind - "I Will Fight Alone"
Leona: Accept - "Princess of the Dawn"
Lissandra: Dragonheart - "Gods of Ice"
Lucian: Static-X - "The Enemy"
Lulu: Timeless Miracle - "Into the Enchanted Chamber"
Lux: Masterplan - "Kind-Hearted Light"
Malphite: Bolt Thrower - "Granite Wall"
Malzahar: Celtic Frost - "Visions of Mortality"
Maokai: Sepultura - "Roots Bloody Roots"
Master Yi: Lost Horizon - "Highlander (The One)"
Miss Fortune: Warbringer - "Shoot to Kill"
Mordekaiser: Tenacious D - "The Metal"
Even after his rework, Mordekaiser will always be The Metal.
Morgana: Grave Digger - "Morgane Le Faye"
Nami: The Ocean - "Mesopelagic: Into The Uncanny"
Nasus: Testament - "Dog Faced Gods"
To be honest, I play chill rap and upbeat jazz when I play Nasus. He's just such a relaxing champ. "Relax guys, I know we're down fifty kills, I'm just gonna go farm and then we'll win."
Nautilus: Dethklok - "Go Into the Water"
Neeko: Wind Rose - "The Returning Race"
Nidalee: Elvenking - "Invoking the Woodland Spirit"
Nocturne: Metallica - "All Nightmare Long"
GZ: I wanted to give him Judas Priest's Night Crawler, but there's no way Taric is losing Exciter.
Nunu & Willump: Immortal - "Blizzard Beasts"
Olaf: Kvelertak - "Berserkr"
Before you complain about the lack of Amon Amarth, see Rengar.
Orianna: Meshuggah - "Clockworks"
Ornn: Falconer - "Lord of the Blacksmiths"
Pantheon: Turisas - "Stand Up And Fight"
Pantheon's rework made this a perfect fit.
Poppy: Gloryhammer - "Gloryhammer"
Pyke: Zeal & Ardor - "Row Row"
Avant-garde black metal blending the genre with slave spirituals in order to sing about eldritch abominations and unseen horrors emerging from the water? It's like this song was made for Pyke.
Qiyana: Unleash the Archers - "The Matriarch"
One of the best power metal albums I've heard.
Quinn: Stratovarius - "Hunting High And Low"
Rakan: Heavenly - "Lost In Your Eyes"
Rammus: Raven - "Run Them Down"
Rek'sai: Municipal Waste - "Terror Shark"
Renekton: Blood Tsunami - "Infernal Final Carnage"
Rengar: Amon Amarth - "Live For The Kill"
I'm sorry, but this song is too utterly perfect for Rengar. If anyone's got another awesome viking metal band for Olaf or a better "hunter" song for Rengar, please suggest something.
Riven: Obtenebris - "Broken Arrow"
There's probably a "broken sword" song out there. That said, this song is pretty badass.
Rumble: Anvil - "Metal on Metal"
Ryze: Kamelot - "The Spell"
Sejuani: Kiuas - "Across the Snows"
Senna: Clutch - "Ghoul Wrangler"
Sett: High on Fire - "Bloody Knuckles"
Shaco: Toxik - "World Circus"
Shen: Ninja Magic - "The Way of Life"
Shyvana: Rhapsody - "The Power of the Dragon Flame"
Singed: Megadeth - "Poison Was The Cure"
I dunno about you guys, but I generally just play Yakety Sax. On repeat.
Sion: Omen - "The Axeman"
Sivir: Cryonic Temple - "Rapid Fire"
Skarner: Catamenia - "The Ancient"
Sona: Vitalij Kuprij - "Symphony V"
Soraka: Freedom Call - "Starchild"
Swain: Tarot - "Crows Fly Black"
Sylas: Rage Against The Machine - "Voice of the Voiceless"
Not exactly metal, but lyrically a perfect fit.
Syndra: ARKONA - "Liki Bessmertnykh Bogov"
Tahm Kench: Wolf - "Ravenous"
Taliyah: Brothers of Metal - "Weaver of Fate"
Talon: Vio-Lence - "Kill on Command"
Taric: Judas Priest - "Exciter"
Teemo: Murderdolls - "People Hate Me"
Same reason as Sylas.
Thresh: Igorrr - "Parpaing"
Thresh's old song (Merciless - "Souls of the Dead") is still a good fit, but I love the crushing, punishing guitar on this Igorrr track, and lines like "this is the house of corpses" still fit Thresh's whole 'jailer of the dead' vibe to me.
Tristana: Rammstein - "Feuer Frei"
Trundle: Finntroll - "Trollhammaren"
Tryndamere: Twelve Foot Ninja - "One Hand Killing"
Twisted Fate: Motorhead - "Ace of Spades"
GZ: Who didn't see this one a mile away?
Twitch: Napalm Death - "Scum"
Udyr: Running Wild - "Wild Animal"
Until I moved Wukong's old song here, I was gonna use the W.A.S.P. song "Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)". You know you love it.
Urgot: Krisiun - "Slaying Steel"
Varus: Devildriver - "Back With A Vengeance"
Vayne: Dio - "I Speed at Night"
Veigar: Emperor - "I am the Black Wizards"
Vel'Koz: Dimmu Borgir - "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse"
Vi: Girlschool - "Demolition Boys"
Lowkey one of the more difficult picks, if only because I've been listening to hundreds of songs while I've played Vi for like 8 years. Judas Priest's "Jawbreaker", Rage Against The Machine's "Street Fighting Man", there are a LOT of good Vi songs. I may or may not have stolen one to give to Sett.
Viktor: Gama Bomb - "Atomizer"
Vladimir: Bloodbound - "Nosferatu"
Volibear: Destroy Destroy Destroy - "Born of Thunder"
Warwick: Powerwolf - "Night of the Werewolves"
The other pick I was considering
Wukong: Ojo Rojo - "Monkey Nation"
Xayah: The Sword - "Cloak of Feathers"
Xerath: Blind Guardian - "The Soulforged"
Xin Zhao: Ensiferum - "Unsung Heroes"
Yasuo: Trivium - "Kirisute Gomen"
Did you know that "kirisute gomen" was a principle where samurai could basically kill anyone who offended or fucked with them as "self defense"? Samurai were pretty fucking hardcore.
Yorick: Pain - "Zombie Slam"
Sing it, Edgy Johnny Depp!
Yuumi: Volbeat - "Devil or the Blue Cat's Song"
Zac: Lordi - "Would You Love A Monsterman?"
Zed: Victorius - "Shuriken Showdown"
Ziggs: Sodom - "Bombenhagel"
Zilean: Demon - "Father of Time"
Zoe: Babymetal - "Distortion"
I don't like this band personally, I just think it works for Zoe. Go check out Poppy if you want a pretty sick pop/metal genre blend.
Zyra: Michael Angelo Batio - "Rain Forest"
submitted by FreestyleKneepad to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

[Patch 10.12] A comprehensive anti-meta guide - Magic Mech - Rank 5 NA

[Patch 10.12] A comprehensive anti-meta guide - Magic Mech - Rank 5 NA
Hello everyone,
This is my first guide for TFT. I've been really enjoying the game since it launched in the first set, but I've only recently peaked when I started watching streamers, especially Polt's aggressive style. I barely missed GM in set 3.0 as I demoted on the last day.
Since the launch of set 3, I've peaked to rank 2 NA, and am currently sitting 5th. I haven't had as much time to grind as some of the top 10 but I hold a pretty respectable win rate% and top4%. Here's the link to my account : https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/cscsrodrigo

There's a bug not properly showing Mech items
The idea behind this build is simple :1- You play an aggressive playstyle with a strong opening board and try to winstreak early on. Being healthy at the start of stage 5 is key to finishing top 3 and in most cases getting first place. In first carousel, I prioritize Rod > Vest > Sword. Here's some strong board suggestions that I like :
- Vanguard's with Poppy and 3 StarGuardians
- 3 Cybers + synergy filling units
- In case you get malphite 2 and other rebels with decent Ziggs items, rebels + synergy filling units
The common theme of all these boards is that I try to slam Ionic spark and/or bramble vest early on, ideally on Poppy (or malphite) in order to win. Those items will be later transfered to the Mech Pilot. I also almost always pre-level on 2-3 (right before carousel).

Strong board example with SG + Vanguards
2- As I am leveling, I sometimes sacrifice Econ to hold strong units or units for my lategame transition. I hold Annie and Rumble to have my mech transition pretty early on. I also hold Jayce and Nautilus if I find some as they are really strong mid-game units and I sometimes go for 4 Vanguards. Nautilus also enables Astro Synergy with Bard + Teemo/Gnar. Teemo is actually insane mid-game even at 1 star with Astro, and can be a decent morello or blue buff holder for lategame (although I don't force these items, getting them can make me quite strong and they are decent for the lategame).
3- If you have a decent enough frontline and damage dealers such as Ahri/Jayce/Teemo, having Bard on the field can really net you +2 exp per round (if level 1 and no Astro), and even more if level 2 +Astro. This helps you save a ton of Gold and to reach level tresholds on "odd" stages (example level 8 on 4-2).

Level 7 board with Astro. Blue Buff and Morello can be on either Teemo or Ahri. Don't hesitate to remake Ahri in the late game to give items to better carries.
4- When you find Mech, put it in play no matter what, it is one hell of a tank and probs the best frontline at the moment. Selling Poppy is situational at this point, losing 3 starguardians can really impact Ahri's damage output, so one way to transition is Mech + Ahri + Bard + Soraka + Zoe (level 7) and even add a 4th sorceror on level 8. Soraka is SOOO underrated especially early on and with SG she can cast 2 or 3 times per fight.Another variation would be Mech + Bard + Soraka/Mystic + 2Astro (level 7) and add a decent unit on level 8. Adding demo on level 7 or 8 with Ziggs is also an option.
5- This is when the fun begins : Level up to 8 but don't sacrifice too much Econ if you are healthy. Ideally you stay at 20+ gold after leveling. You will need gold to roll down a bit to make sure your board will let you hit level 9. You are now looking for 5 cost units, in that order of priority : GP, Janna, Aurelion Sol, Ekko. You also want Soraka 2 and Lulu as your late game Mystic, although I wouldn't sacrifice too much Econ to hold Lulu too early.
GP is a no brainer in this comp : Enables demolitionist, huge AOE stun, and with GA you can ensure he casts. He can also hold morello or other AP items for even more burst. If you lowroll lots of bows, RFC can even be an option.
Why Janna? Janna is actually SECRET OP in this comp. First, she gives you late game SG (with Soraka + Ahri/zoe). Second, all your units Auto attacks deal magic damage .... Which means your MECH DEALS MAGIC DAMAGE ON AUTO-ATTACKS. But why is that OP since Mystic 4 is currently Meta? Don't forget you slam Ionic Spark on the Mech ... So even with Mystic 4, the enemy units have their MR reduced by ½. So a 25 Base MR units only has 75 MR ([25+125]/2) which lets the Mech easily shred the 2/4 Vanguards frontlines.
But that's not all : Janna's ult gives all your team at least double attack speed and CC's the enemy units, so your Mech attacks so fast it can easily wipe the board. And Shojin Janna is actually nuts if you have spare items for her.

Level 9 example board. Position GP on the side with the most enemy carries. If you can't reach level 9, you can remove A-Sol.
If you are facing alot of snipers team, Ekko can take Aurelion Sol's place as he reduces their attack speed. He also gives your mech infiltrator. However, whenever facing a team which stalls the fights (4 mystic + 4 vanguard), aurelion is better as he scales with time.
Late game items : Morello can go on either GP or Aurelion. If you made an early blue buff, Ahri is a decent holder as she often ults, giving soraka and Janna Mana (also Ahri deals a surprising decent chunk of damage). Janna can take most support items such as Zeke, Chalice, Locket, and even Shojin or RFC.
Your Mech's 3rd item is always a Dodge : QSS (if lots of Zephyr), trap claw if you fear Urgot, and Shroud (Shroud is currently OP since Kassadin left making Mana-Reaver's harding to fit in a comp).
Celestial spat is also pretty decent but not mandatory. GP/Aurelion can take AP items, depending on who you find or 2 star first.
TL/DR : Play aggressive early to save HP/win streak. Strong board + Bard helps you reach level 8 fast. Don't donkey roll too much on level 8, but don't be too greedy for level 9 either. Ionic Spark on Mech + Janna makes your Mech deal 8k + Magic damage everyfight. Goodluck on the ladder :)
submitted by CsCs_Rodrigo to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

Challenger guide to Vanguard carry (+pirates, celestials, and mystics)

Hi! I’m “Riot thatsPRIMAL” and I’m Challenger Set 2 on NA. I work at Riot but not on TFT, I’m just a fan of the game. Many of you will be experiencing Set 3 for the first time today so to help you get that valuable LP I’ve put together a guide to one of my favorite family of compositions, Vanguard carries. If you want to see it in action, check out my stream at twitch.tv/thatsPRIMAL - I stream almost daily and I'm online now. I'm going to also post a guide on 6 star guardian 4 sorc, and a guide to Lucian cybernetic carry this week if people like this kind of content.
Core Principles
Key Items
Also good:
Level 8 Comp
There are 3 ideal variants of this comp, and all of them involve 4 Vanguards
What to prioritize on first carousel, in order of priority:
  1. Rod: Builds into 4 key items: Ionic, Morellos, Deathcap, Jeweled Gauntlet. Ionic can snowball early rounds, so build it ASAP.
  2. Cloak: Builds into 2 key items: Ionic and Dragon’s claw
  3. Chain: Builds into Bramble (best), Titan’s Resolve or GA
  4. Belt: Significantly worse than Rod or Cloak, but still decent. Can build Morellos which is key. Warmogs isn’t bad on Morde, and Redemption is good on one of your noncarry Vanguards. Redemption has been reworked and is much better than old Redemptions - it heals your entire team when the Redemption carrier dies and has no cast time. Don’t put this on Morde or Jayce, as they’ll survive until the end.
Stage by Stage breakdown:
Early Game (Stage 1 and 2)
  1. If you can make an ionic spark or bramble, make them immediately - they can allow you to win rounds outright. Ionic is great on infiltrators since they generally get to carries, and then when the carries ult, they take damage. Bramble should go on a tank, like malphite. You want this item to get onto Morde, so if you don’t have to put it on a Leona or Poppy, don’t, since you don’t want to have to sell a 2 star Poppy/Leona to itemize Morde.
  2. Pick up Graves or Darius so that you can start snowballing a gold advantage the moment you get Jayce. You can also just run both Graves and Darius, but keep in mind that you’ll want to sell one of them the moment you get Jayce, so it’s potentially wasteful. I prefer Graves over Darius - his ult is more reliably impactful, he costs less, and has blaster, which is amazing with an early Ezreal or Lucian.
  3. Scout the lobby for infiltrators and Blitzcrank’s, and consider throwing a Vanguard in your back line to bait them.
Mid Game (Stage 3)
  1. If you already have a pair of Jayce 1 or Morde 1s, consider going to 6 and rolling down to 0 at 3-2 to get them to 2 star. Ideal comp here is 4 Vanguards (including Jayce and Morde), 2 Pirates (Jayce + Graves or Darius), and another strong individual unit from earlier (Blitz, Lucian, Kaisa, Ashe).
  2. At 3-2, you should be strong enough to winstreak, and even if you don’t winstreak, you’ll be getting an average of 2-3 gold per round from pirates, which is huge - that’s the equivalent of winning 2-3 rounds!
  3. If you rolled down to 0, econ back up to at least 30 gold before you start rolling again.
  4. SCOUT! If you see too many other Mordes or Jayces, you may need to pivot to Ashe+Jhin carry. In my opinion, 2 players can afford to go Morde 3 without cannibalizing each other 2 much,, and 1 player can afford to go Jayce. This is the really skillful part of the game, and games are won or lost by the decision you make. I could easily write a whole post about scouting, economy and comp selection, but this is already long enough, so here’s a short primer on how to think here. Consider:
    1. How many other players currently have Jayce or Morde
    2. Whether those players look like they actually plan on holding Jayce and Morde, or are just playing them for a little while as they pursue another comp. (For example, if they have a Jayce 2 but the rest of their units are sorcerers, they probably are going to sell Jayce, and maybe it’s worth waiting until they do that to roll).
    3. Do you have enough gold to pursue Jayce or Morde 3? If you rolled down at 3-2 and still don’t have at Morde 2, you’re probably not getting Morde 3 any time soon, same goes for Jayce.
Mid-Late (Stage 4)
  1. Stay at 6 until you get Morde 3 or Jayce 3. If it looks like you’re not going to hit them, consider holding Ashe for Ashe 3 instead.
  2. Go 7 (if looking for Jayce but already have Morde 3) between 4-1 and 4-5, and finish either Jayce or Morde 3 (ideally both). If you get one but not the other, but are close to the other (say you have 7 Mordes), stay at 7 until you get the second 3 star.
  3. Go 8 once you hit Jayce and Morde 3 OR go 8 if you only have either Jayce or Morde 3, but got a Lulu at 7. You’ll go 8 because you can run 4 mystics immediately, which is a big power spike. In some games, you may even want to just run Lulu+Ashe+1 Mystic+4 Vanguards at 7, it really depends on your health and gold relative to the lobby.
Late Game:
  1. Hopefully by this point you already have Jayce 3 and Morde 3, and are just looking for Lulu, which gives you the strongest variant of 4 Celestial, or 4 Mystic.
Win (1st places) Conditions:
  1. Morde 3 and Jayce 3
  2. Morde 3 or Jayce 3 and Ashe 3
  3. Morde 3 or Jayce 3 and Lulu 2 with at least 1 Shojin;s.
  4. Note that with just a Jayce 3 or Morde 3, you can top 3 with good items.
  1. Frontline your Vanguards, with Morde and Jayce in the middle to maximize the impact of their area of effect abilities
  2. (200IQ only): If you know who you’re about to face, place Jayce on the far right or far left so he runs past the front line and one shots the backline.
  3. Vs infiltrators + mech pilots, backline your vanguards so they kill off the infiltrators and don’t get stuck on the gundam.
submitted by FearGorm to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

Afreeca Freecs vs. Cloud9 / 2018 World Championship - Quarter-Final / Post-Match Discussion


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Cloud9 3-0 Afreeca Freecs

CONGRATULATIONS TO CLOUD9 WHO ADVANCE TO THE SEMIFINALS! This is the first North American semifinal appearance since Season 1! With Afreeca Freecs's loss, Korea have been eliminated and experience their worst Worlds performance in history.
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MATCH 1: C9 vs. AFs

Winner: Cloud9 in 28m Match History | Game Breakdown | Player of the Game: Jensen
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
C9 tahmkench irelia akali galio lissandra 56.8k 16 10 M1 H2 I3 B4 O5
AFs zilean urgot nocturne ryze syndra 42.3k 5 2 None
C9 16-5-28 vs 5-16-13 AFs
Licorice aatrox 1 0-2-5 TOP 2-4-2 3 viktor Kiin
Svenskeren xinzhao 2 5-1-5 JNG 1-1-4 1 gragas Spirit
Jensen leblanc 3 6-0-4 MID 0-3-1 4 kassadin Kuro
Sneaky lucian 3 5-2-4 BOT 1-4-3 2 xayah Kramer
Zeyzal braum 2 0-0-10 SUP 1-4-3 1 alistar TusiN

MATCH 2: C9 vs. AFs

Winner: Cloud9 in 30m Match History | Player of the Game: Svenskeren
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
C9 tahmkench irelia akali galio lissandra 58.5k 14 10 C1 H3 M4 B5 I6
AFs zilean urgot nocturne leblanc syndra 49.2k 11 3 I2
C9 14-11-36 vs 11-14-13 AFs
Licorice aatrox 1 1-5-4 TOP 4-3-3 4 viktor Kiin
Svenskeren graves 3 9-1-4 JNG 1-3-3 1 xinzhao Mowgli
Jensen ahri 3 3-3-7 MID 5-3-1 3 ryze Kuro
Sneaky lucian 2 1-0-10 BOT 1-1-2 2 kaisa Kramer
Zeyzal braum 2 0-2-11 SUP 0-4-4 1 alistar TusiN

MATCH 3: C9 vs. AFs

Winner: Cloud9 in 36m Match History | Player of the Game: Licorice
Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
C9 tahmkench irelia akali xayah kaisa 66.4k 18 7 H2 I3 B4 O6
AFs zilean urgot alistar aatrox sivir 58.2k 15 2 O1 M5
C9 18-15-43 vs 15-18-33 AFs
Licorice ornn 3 2-3-12 TOP 2-3-7 4 gangplank Kiin
Svenskeren nocturne 1 5-2-9 JNG 1-6-6 1 gragas Spirit
Jensen lissandra 2 5-3-7 MID 3-2-4 2 galio Kuro
Sneaky lucian 3 6-3-3 BOT 9-3-4 3 varus Kramer
Zeyzal shen 2 0-4-12 SUP 0-4-12 1 thresh TusiN
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
submitted by epicxkidzorz to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

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Best Kassadin players NA How are players ranked? A score is determined for each summoner/champion/role. Summoners are ranked by champion according to their best score for that champion. The score follows these rules: +1 tier ⇒ score * 4 +12% winrate (compared to the average for that champion/role) ⇒ score * 2 +100% KDA (compared to the average for that champion/role) ⇒ score * 1.33 Kassadin build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support Kassadin Build Guide for League of Legends. Champion guides for the League of Legends champion Kassadin.Find the best Kassadin build guides for S11 Patch 11.3. Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Kassadin, and of course, win the game! Patch 11.3 ARAM NA Kassadin Build Guide. Powered by AnyClip. Powered by AnyClip. Welcome to the METAsrc Kassadin build guide. We've used our extensive database of League of Legends stats along with proprietary algorithms to calculate the most optimal build for Kassadin. This algorithm is able to determine the best summoner spells, item build order, skill order, runes reforged, rune stats Download "Xpeke kassadin BEST BACKDOOR EVER" Stiahnite si video "Xpeke kassadin BEST BACKDOOR EVER" priamo z youtube. Stačí zvoliť požadovaný formát a po kliknutí na tlačidlo "Download" bude vygenerovaný odkaz na stiahnutie videa "Xpeke kassadin BEST BACKDOOR EVER".. Chcete stiahnúť len zvuk z videa vo formáte mp3? NA ; OCE ; RU ; TR ; LeagueOfGraphs.com is available in . Click here to use this language. Beste Kassadin Spieler (EUW) Wie werden Spieler bewertet? Eine Punktzahl wird für jeden Spieler/Champion/Rolle berechnet. Die Spieler werden nach jedem Champion bewertet, bezüglich ihrer besten Punktzahl für diesen Champion. Die Punktzahl folgt diesen Regeln: +1 Rang ⇒ Punktzahl * 4 +12% Win-Rate Don't know who the best Kassadin player is, but one of the highest ranking usual Kassadin players, if not the highest, is Dopa/Apdo. He is a Korean Challenger player who has the highest winrate in Challenger by far every once in a while. He has a website with videos and all Kassadin build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support View builds, guides, stats, skill orders, runes and masteries from Pros playing Kassadin the Void Walker. Check Kassadin's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. Best Kassadin NA / / Lv. 176. A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / wards / damage to objectives etc.

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